People Involved with the Philippine Rafflesia Project

Dr. Daniel L. Nickrent
Department of Plant Biology
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL  62901-6509
(618) 453-3223 - office
(618) 453-3823 - lab
(618) 536-2331 - main PLB office
(618) 453-3441 – fax
E-mail: nickrent[AT] (Replace [AT] with @)
Professional Webpage

Dr. Julie Barcelona
National Museum of the Philippines (formerly), Philippine Native Plant Conservation Society, Inc.
Biological Sciences (current appointment as lecturer)
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand
mobile: +63-906-250-1068
Email: barceljf[AT] (Replace [AT] with @)
Personal Webpage

Dr. Pieter Pelser
Biological Sciences
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand
+64-(3)-3642987 ext. 45605
mobile: +64-(0)-278111663
Email: pieter.pelser[AT] (Replace [AT] with @)
Professional Webpage
Personal Webpage

SIUC / College of Science / Philippine Rafflesia / People
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