Rafflesia leonardi Barcelona & Pelser

This species was named in honor of Leonard Co, an avid botanist who devoted much time to the study of the flora of the Sierra Madre Mountains on Luzon. It was described in the following publication:

Barcelona, J. F, P. B. Pelser, E. Cabutaje, and N. A. Bartolome.  2008.  Another new species of Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae) from Luzon, Philippines: R. leonardi. Blumea 53: 223-228.

This species most resembles R. manillana but it differs in the size of the flower and in its central disk which is nearly flat on it surface and devoid of prominent processes. Until recently it was only known from the Cagayan valley in northern Luzon.  As described below, the range has now been extended to Kalinga-Apayao province.

The name R. banaoana was published by Pastor Malabrigo, Jr. (University of the Philippines Los Baños) for a Rafflesia found in the Balbalasang-Balbalan National Park in Kalinga, Luzon:

Malabrigo Jr., P.L. 2010. Rafflesia banaoana (Rafflesiaceae): Another new species from Luzon, Philippines. Asia Life Sciences Supplement 4: 139–146.

This Rafflesia has since been carefully evaluated and found to be conspecific with R. leonardi. The reasoning for this is fully explained in the following publication:

Barcelona, J. F., E. S. Fernando D.  L. Nickrent, D. S. Balete, and P. B. Pelser.  2011. An amended description of Rafflesia leonardi and a revised key to Philippine Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae). Phytotaxa 24: 11-18. For a pdf file of this article, click HERE.

Rafflesia leonardi

Group of flowers at various developmental stages, including an opening bud, a fully open flower, and a senescent flower of Rafflesia leonardi.  Photo by Julie Barcelona.

Rafflesia leonardi male flower

Fully open male flower of Rafflesia leonardi.  Photo by Julie Barcelona.
Rafflesia leonardi

Close-up of the diaphragm and disk of a male Rafflesia leonardi flower.  Note the disk is nearly devoid of processes. Photo by Julie Barcelona.

Rafflesia leonardi

Cross section through the stalk of the central column of a male Rafflesia leonardi flower showing the underside of the disk and the anthers.  Photo by Julie Barcelona.

Julie Barcelona with flower of Rafflesia leonardi

Julie Barcelona with open flower of Rafflesia leonardi

Last updated: 14-May-18 / dln