The species was named after the Governor General of Java, J. V. Rochussen.
This species was named by Teijsmann and Binnendijk in 1850 from a collection made by an unknown collector from the Bogar Botanical Garden on Gedeh-Pangrango near Cibodas, western Java. It is also known from Mt. Leuser in northern Sumatra. This rare species, once thought to be extinct, was seen on Gunung Salak, Java in 1990.
The following two photographs were presented in an article by Harry Wiriadinata (email: and Suwito Alamin "Voice of Nature" (ISSN No 0216-4177) Vol.84, Aug. 1990, page 14. The two photos below were taken on Mt. Salak, Western Java, near Bogor, June 6, 1990 (by a Javanese student).
This flower (past prime) was photographed by Harry Wiriadinata (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia). The photograph was donated by Anna Marika Bendiksby.