Apodanthaceae References

Armstrong WP. 1977. A tiny native with an enormous relative. Fremontia 5: 20-23 - Illus.

Armstrong WP. 1978. Pilostyles that nobody sees. Environment Southwest 484: 17-19  - illus.

Blarer A, Nickrent DL, Endress PK. 2004. Comparative floral structure and systematics in Apodanthaceae (Rafflesiales). Plant Systematics and Evolution 245: 119-142.

Carranza González E. 2002. Flora del Bajío y de Regiones Adyacentes (Flora of Bajio and adjacent regions. Family Rafflesiaceae.). 107: 1-13. [Bdallophyton, Pilostyles]

Dell B. 1983. A new species of Pilostyles (Rafflesiaceae) from Western Australia. Nuytsia 4: 293-294.

Dell B.  1984. Rafflesiaceae. Pages 147-150. Flora of Australia: vol. 22. Rhizophorales to Celastrales. Canberra, AGPS: Bureau of Flora and Fauna.

Dell B, Burbidge AH. 1981. Notes on the biology of Pilostyles (Rafflesiaceae) in Western Australia. W. Austral. Herb. Res. Notes 5: 71-79.

Dell B, Kuo J, Burbidge AH. 1982. Anatomy of Pilostyles hamiltonii C. A. Gardner (Rafflesiaceae) in stems of Daviesia. Aust. J. Bot. 30: 1-9 (with 10 figures).

Eliasson U. 1994. Rafflesiaceae in Harling G, Andersson L, eds. Flora of Ecuador: no 59, vol. 43-48. of Goteborg: Goteborg: University. [Apodanthes]

Endriss W. 1902. Monographie von Pilostyles ingae (Karst.) (Pilostyles ulei Solms-Laubach). Flora (Erganz. Bd.) 91: 209-236.

Fernandes G, de Mattos E, Franco A, Luttge U, Ziegler H. 1998. Influence of the parasite Pilostyles ingae (Rafflesiaceae) on some physiological parameters of the host plant, Mimosa naguirei (Mimosaceae). Botanica Acta 111: 51-54.

Filipowicz N, Renner SS. 2010. The worldwide holoparasitic Apodanthaceae confidently placed in the Cucurbitales by nuclear and mitochondrial gene trees. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 48.

Gentry A. 1973. Rafflesiaceae.  Flora of Panama: part 4. Family 50a. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 60: 17-21. [Pilostyles, Apodanthes]

Gomes AL, Fernandes GW. 1994. Influence of parasitism by Pilostyles ingae (Rafflesiaceae) on its host plant, Mimosa naguirei (Leguminosae). Ann. Bot. 74: 205-208.

Gomez LD. 1983. Rafflesiaceae. Pages 89-93 in Burger W, ed. Flora Costaricensis. Chicago, IL: Fieldiana Botany. [Pilostyles, Apodanthes]

Gonzalez F. 1994. 58. Aristolochiaceae. In Harling GW, Andersson L, eds Flora of Ecuador: no.51. 58: Aristolochiaceae; 59: Rafflesiaceae. Goteborg: University of Goteborg, 1994 pp.1-42 - illus. [Pilostyles, Apodanthes]

Guillemin M. 1834. Mémoire sur le Pilostyles, nouveau genre de la famille des Rafflesiacées. Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 2 2: 19-25.

Harms H. 1935. Rafflesiaceae. Pages 243-281 in Engler A, Harms H, eds. Die Natürlichen Planzenfamilien. Leipzig: Wilhelm Engelman.

Karim F. 1978. Flowering plants of Iraq. Abu Ghraib, Botany Directorate, 1978. 90p. Illus., map, keys. [Cytinus, Pilostyles?]

Kuijt J. in press. Loranthaceae, Viscaceae, Eremolepidaceae, and Rafflesiaceae in Stevens WD, ed. Flora de Nicaragua. [Apodanthes, Pilostyles]

Kuijt J, Bray D, Olson AR. 1985. Anatomy and ultrastructure of the endophytic system of Pilostyles thurberi (Rafflesiaceae). Can. J. Bot. 63: 1231-1240.

Kummerow J. 1962. Pilostyles berterii Guill., eine wenig bekannte Rafflesiacee in Mittelchile. Zeits. Bot. 50: 321-337.

Rechinger K. 1978. Flora Iranica: no. 136. Rafflesiaceae. Pages 2p. -. Graz, Akademische Druck, 1978. [Pilostyles]

Rose JN. 1909. Studies of Mexican and Central American plants.  No. 6.  Rafflesiaceae.  The North American species of Pilostyles. Contributions from the National Herbarium 12: 262-265.

Rowell CMJ, Blassingame JL. 1967. Pilostyles thurberi (Rafflesiaceae) in Texas and New Mexico. Sida 3: 77-81.

Rutherford RJ. 1966. The biology of Pilostyles thurberi Gray. Ph.D., Claremont, CA.

Rutherford RJ. 1970. The anatomy and cytology of Pilostyles thurberi Gray (Rafflesiaceae). Aliso 7: 263-288.

Schaefer H, Renner SS. 2011. Phylogenetic relationships in the order Curcurbitales and a new classification of the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae). Taxon 60: 122-138.

Smith GG. 1951. New records of distribution of Pilostyles hamiltonii. W. Austr. Natural. 3: 21-24.

Solms-Laubach H. 1874. Ueber den Thallus von Pilostyles haussknechtii. Bot. Zeit. 32: 49-59, 65-74.

Stannard B. 1997. 139. Rafflesiaceae. In: Pope GV, ed. Flora Zambesiaca: Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. Volume 9, part 2. Kew: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, *for** the Flora Zambesiaca Managing Committee, 1997 pp.14-16 - illus.

Steyermark JA, Berry PE, Yatskievych K, Holst BK, eds. 2004. Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana: Missouri Botanical Gardens Press. [Pilostyles, Apodanthes]

Thiele KR, Wylie SJ, Maccarone L, Hollick P, McComb JA. 2008. Pilostyles coccoidea (Apodanthaceae), a new species from Western Australia described from morphological and molecular evidence. Nuytsia 18: 273-284.

Ule E. 1915. Ueber brasilianische Rafflesiaceen. Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 33: 468-478. [Apodanthes, Pilostyles]

Vattimo I, de. 1972. Flora ilustrada catarinense: Raflesiaceas. 16.

Vattimo I, de. 1973. Notas sobre o genero Apodanthes Poit. com descricao de duas novas especies (Rafflesiaceae). Rev. Brasil Biol., 33(1): 135-141 (1973) - illus., key.

Vattimo I, de. 1978. Uma nova especie de Apodanthes Poit. (Rafflesiaceae). Rodriguesia 29(44): 47 - 51 (1978) - illus., key.

Vattimo I, de. 1978. Contribuicao ao conhecimento da distribuicao geografica do genero Pilostyles Guill. (Rafflesiaceae). Rodriguesia 30(45): 7 - 11 (1978) -.

Vattimo I, de. 1955. Notice sur la tribu Apodantheae R. Br (Rafflesiaceae). Taxon 4: 211-212.

Vattimo I, de. 1956. Notes on Apodanthes caseariae Poit. and Pilostyles calliandrae (Gardn.) R. Br. (Rafflesiaceae-Apodantheae). Not. Syst. 15: 225-229.

Vattimo I, de. 1971. Contribuição ao conhecimento da tribo Apodanthea R. Br., Parte I.  Consepecto das espécies (Rafflesiaceae). Rodriguésia 26: 37-62.

Vattimo I, de. 1973. Notes on the genus Apodanthes Poit. with a description of two new species (Rafflesiaceae). Rev. Bras. Biol. 33: 135-141.

Vattimo I, de. 1978. A new species of Apodanthes roraimae Poit (Rafflesiaceae) collected in the territory of Roraima, Brazil [Uma nova especie de Apodanthes Poit (Rafflesiaceae). Rodriguesia 29: 47-51.

Verdcourt B. 1998. Rafflesiaceae. Pages 4p. - illus. in Beentje HJ, ed. Flora of Tropical East Africa. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema. [Berlinianche]

Williams M, Castetter, RC. 1979. Pilostyles thurberi A. Gray (Rafflesiaceae). Madrono 26(4): 189.

Woodson R, Schery, RW. 1973. Flora of Panama: parts: 2, 4, 6, 9. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard., 60(1): 1-167. [Apodanthes, Pilostyles]

Yatskievych G. 1994. Rafflesiaceae, Rafflesia family. J. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 27(2): 239.  [Pilostyles].

SIUC / College of Science / Parasitic Plant Connection / Apodanthaceae / References
URL: http://www.science.siu.edu/parasitic- plants/Apodanthaceae/references.html
Last updated: 03-Apr-11 / dln