Coulaceae Tiegh.
Distribution Map
- Coula edulis
- Habit
of small tree and flowering
branches. Loko, Equateur, Democratic Rebublic of Congo.
Photos by Roy Danforth, Sept. 26, 2012. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Herbarium specimen, and close-up
of inflorescence Missouri Botanical Gardens (MO). Photo by D.
L. Nickrent.
- Fruits. From a book on
Equatorial Guinea plants: Chris Wilks & Yves Issembe. 2001,
Practical Identification Guide - Equatorial Guinea Trees -
Continental Region. CUREF Publishers.
- Nuts, photo from a web
site of a global nut trader.
- Shells of nuts cracked
open and eaten by humans. Rainforest preserve at Lake
Tissongo, Cameroun. From Humans and their Environments
(University of Pennsylvania): A day in the life of an African
hunter. Photo by D. H. Janzen.
- Illustration.
From Wikipedia.
- Article about the reproductive ecology of Coula edulis by Moupela
et al. (2014. Tropical Ecology 55:327-338) HERE.
- Minquartia guianensis
- Series
of photos from Atrium,
biodiversity information system.
- Photos.
Pasco, Oxapampa, Peru. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Series
of photos. Vegetative features. Link goes to
- Young plant being
cultivated at the R. & C. Wilson Botanical Garden, San Vito,
Costa Rica. The species is locally called "manu negro" and has very
hard, termite-resistant wood. The wood is therefore often used as
support beams for buildings. [DLN 2758]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo
of the trunk of a large tree. Costa Rica. Photo by D. L.
Nickrent. Link goes to
- Trunk of tree. Panama.
From the Center for Tropical Forest Science, Panama web atlas, Trees
of the Panama Canal.
- Close-up of leaves and buds.
Panama. From the Center for Tropical Forest Science, Panama web
atlas, Trees of the Panama Canal.
- Leaf, leaf,
close-up, showing characteristic tertiary venation, petiole,
showing basal swelling and channel, and broken
petiole showing latex in sap. Costa Rica, Heredia La Selva.
Photos 2004 by Lawrence Kelly, 2004.
- Close-up of flowers.
Saul, French Guiana. Photo by Carol Gracie.
- Herbarium specimen photo 1, photo
2, Missouri Botanical Gardens (MO).
- Ochanostachys amentacea
- Tree
photographed up into its canopy. From a blog in
- Tree
(called petaling) in vegetative condition. Rimbun Dahan, outside
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photos by
Hijjas and Angela Kasturi.
- Bark
of tree, shoot with inflorescences
and close-up of flowers.
From website called EARTH
by Joseph Lai in Singapore.
- Plant with fruits.
Malaysia. Photo by A. Gentry (No. 66868). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Leafy branches, leaves, bark features. Link goes to
- Illustration.
Flora Malesiana 10 12 1984. Link
goes to Borneo
Images. James K. Jarvie, Beth Dart, Diane Holland.
- The first molecular phylogeny of Olacaceae s. lat. was by Malécot and
Nickrent (2008). A pdf file for that paper can be seen by clicking
- A reclassification of the families of Santalales was by Nickrent et
al. (2010). A pdf file for that paper canbe seen by clicking HERE.
- A multigene phylogeny for the order Santalales was by Su et al.
(2015). A pdf file for that paper canbe seen by clicking HERE.
Last updated: 15-Nov-20 / dln