Assistance in Papua New Guinea

During my stay in PNG in July of 2002, a number of people provided field and logistical assistance. I am grateful to these individuals who helped me over numerous hurdles in my quest to see mistletoes! Thanks to others for whom I have no photograph: Terry Warra, Robert Kiapranis, Nalish Sam, Kipiro Damas, and Balun Lawong.


 As an expert on palms, Roy Banka is appropriately pictured here sipping from a coconut. Roy first greeted me at the airport when I arrived in Lae and helped with the logistics of doing field work during my entire stay. Your help Roy was indispensible. Thanks so much!


 The whole crew, on one of my first field trips after arriving in PNG. Roy, Erik and Tony are holding a robust specimen of Dendrophthoe curvata (4460) obtained along the road to Oomsis.


 Tony Kierang (pictured here), along with Erik Sape, were my field companions and guides during my trip to Finschhafen and Nanduo village. They became expert mistletoe spotters and climbed some high trees to obtain specimens for me. Couldn't have done it without you guys!


 The Thio family graciously provided lodging for me during my stay in Nanduo village (Morobe District). From left to right: Mien, Allen Jr., Stossel, and Allen Sr. Tange Sako for all the help and for the wonderful meals!


Erik Sape and his grandfather Genong Sape. Erik arranged for me to stay in Sisi (Morobe District), his grandfather's village.Tange sako ago nane!


 Thanks to Mr. Siliwana Tagit who provided comfortable accommodations during my brief stay in Wagau village. It was here that I first saw Amyema rigidiflora and Sogerianthe sogerensis.


 Even the kids got to help! Domazepek, shown here going after some betel nuts, was also good at climbing trees that contained mistletoe!


 Timbi Pop (left) and Auberta Kairo (right) at the Bulolo University College Guest House. Timbi drove us through some unbelievable conditions in the Toyota Land Cruiser. Although we didn't find the elusive Papuanthes albertisii, I still was able to collect other mistletoes I had not previously seen, as well as get a taste for the "wild and wonderful" PNG.


 Wayne Takeuchi is currently a Tropical Forest Biologist for the Herbaria and Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University as well as the PNG National Forest Service. While I was working at the Lae Herbarium, Wayne provided needed local assistance and advice (bank, dinners!). Maybe next time we can go to the field together?

PNG People

Updated 26 June 2003