Photographs Needed!
Images on the Parasitic Plant Connection
web site generally fall into one of four categories:
1. Color photographs of living plants. These are the most desirable
because a good photograph is "worth a thousand words."
2. Color photographs of herbarium specimens. These can show a number
of diagnostic taxonomic features and are thus "second best" to a photo
of the living plant itself. Lost are flower color, aspect of the leaves,
3. Color paintings. In some cases (e.g. the extinct mistletoe Trilepidea,
Loranthaceae), all that exists for this taxon is a painting, hence it is
3. Line art (black and white) . I have generally used line art of a
taxon only if 1-3 above are not available. In terms of taxonomic value,
they can be extremely useful because diagnostic taxonomic features can
be clearly shown. See for example Opiliaceae.
Given the above, the Parasitic Plant
Connection needs your help. For the parasitic plant genera
listed below, there are currently no color photographs of living plants
available through this web site. In some cases, a photograph of an
herbarium specimen is available and is so indicated. I routinely conduct
Google image searches and usually obtain no "hits" when the generic name
is entered. In some cases, this is because the plant is extremely rare
(and possibly extinct) and may never have been photographed (e.g. Thaumasianthes,
Loranthaceae). In other cases, photographs may exist but are housed in
private collections that are not indexed on the WWWeb.
Here are the photographic statistics. From my count, there are 292
genera of parasitic flowering plants. Currently there are photographs
present on the Parasitic Plant Connection for
275 genera (94%), thus leaving only the 17 genera listed below without
photographs. In my view, it is important to have photographs of these
plants to increase public awareness of their beauty and unique features,
thus promoting their conservation.
If you have photos of any of these genera that you are willing to share,
or know of someone to contact to obtain such a photo, please let me know (
- Maburea (herbarium specimen
- Engomegoma (herbarium specimen image)
- Distrianthes (herbarium specimen image)
- Panamanthus (herbarium
specimen image)
- Papuanthes (herbarium specimen image)
- Pusillanthus (herbarium
specimen image)
- Thaumasianthes (herbarium specimen image)
- Gjellerupia (line drawing)
Orobanchaceae (all hemiparasites)
- Baumia
- Cyclocheilon
- Magdalenaea
- Petitmenginia
- Pseudostriga
- Sieversandreas (painting)
- Tetraspidium (line drawing)
- Tienmuia
- Vellosiella (line drawing)
We Now Have Photos!
After tabulating the genera of parasitic plants without photographs, and
posting this page, the following have helped by providing photographs:
- Silviella prostrata (Orobanchaceae) by L.H. Bojorquez
Galván on Phytoimages.
- Omphalotrix longipes (Orobanchaceae) from iNaturalist.
- Parasopubia delphinifolia (Orobanchaceae) from Flowers of
India, Biodiversity of West Bengal, and Flickr websites.
- Pseudomelasma pedicularioides (Orobanchaceae). From
- Rhaphispermum gerardioides (Orobanchaceae). From
Encyclopedia of Life website.
- Thunbergianthus (Orobanchaceae). From BIOPAT website.
- Rhopalopilia sp. (Opiliaceae). From Flora of the
- Micrargeriella aphylla (Orobanchaceae). A group from Kew as
well as Jeff Morawetz and crew have seen and photographed this rare
- Ginalloa angustifolia (Viscaceae).
From Pieter Pelser (see PhytoImages)
- Oncella gracilis (Loranthaceae). From Roger Polhill via Don
- Mannagettaea hummelii (Orobanchaceae). From
- Gleadovia ruborum (Orobanchaceae). From
- Dufrenoya platyphylla
(Amphorogynaceae). M. Devkota.
- Physocalyx major
(Orobanchaceae). M. Latvis.
- Ophiocephalus angustifolius
(Orobanchaceae). V. Soza.
- Helicanthes elastica
(Loranthaceae). Sachin A. Punekar.
- Leucosalpa grandiflora
(Orobanchaceae). P. Phillipson.
- Vanwykia remota
(Loranthaceae). D. C. H. Plowes.
- Dactyliophora novaeguineae
(Loranthaceae). Bernie Hyland.
- Brandisia hancei (Orobanchaceae). Shengxiang Yu.
- Lampas elmeri
(Loranthaceae). John Dransfield.
- Harmandia mekongensis
(Olacaceae). Phan Ke Loc.
- Anacolosa pervilleana
(Olacaceae). Richard Randrianaivo.
- Melasma scabrum
(Orobanchaceae). Cameron McMaster.
- Chlamydophytum aphyllum (Balanophoraceae). Alexander
- Buttonia hildebrandtii (Orobanchaceae).
A. Howard.
- Socratina keraudreniana
(Loranthaceae). Sonny Larsson.
- Benthamina alyxifolia (Loranthaceae). Gerhard Glatzel (with
help from Bryan Barlow!).
- Ditepalanthus malagasicus (Balanophoraceae). It was there all
along - as Rhopalocnemis malagasica (a synonym). Thanks Roland
Eberwein for pointing this out!
- Exorhopala ruficeps (Balanophoraceae). Anton
- Kunkeliella canariensis (Santalaceae). Isabel Santana López.
- Lathrophytum peckoltii (Balanophoraceae). Leandro Cardoso.
- Mida salicifolia (Santalaceae). Tony Foster.
- Okoubaka aubrevillei (Santalaceae). M. D. Swaine.
- Pedistylus galpinii (Loranthaceae). Marco Bleeker.
- Xylocalyx asper (Orobanchaceae). Tony Miller (Royal Botanic
Garden Edinburgh)
Last updated: