Rafflesia of the World

ISBN: 983-812-042-1

By Jamili Nais - 2001. Sabah Parks, Kota Kinabalu. Forward by Datuk Chong Kah Kiat, preface by Datuk Lamri Ali with numerous photographs by the author and 28 others. This book will be of interest to both a popular and scientific audience. It includes 152 color photographs and 73 illustrations. 22 case studies, taken from the author's research (much of it previously unpublished) and that of collaborators provides a wealth of information on the floral and seed biology, taxonomy, and conservation biology of these extraordinary plants.


This book can be obtained for $41.50 (plus shipping) from Borneo Books Online Store.

SIUC / College of Science / Parasitic Plant Connection / Rafflesiaceae
URL: http://www.parasiticplants.siu.edu/Rafflesiaceae/NaisBook.html
Last updated: 07-Apr-05 / dln