Loranthaceae Juss.
- Actinanthella menyharthii
- Left photo showing mature
flower bud with vents opening. Right photo showing the flower
with reflexed corolla lobes after it has been opened (by probing
birds). The coiled upper part of the filaments, previously in the
upper part of the bud, act as a spring that cause the explosive
openning of the flower. Photos by Del Wiens.
- Aetanthus mutisii
- Flowers.
Colombia. Photo by A. Gentry (no. 34712). Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowers.
From the InfoJardin
web site.
- Flowers
fruits. Link goes
to Flora Illustrada del Páramo de Chingaza, Colombia.
- Flowering
shoots. Mistletoe parasitic on Quercus.
Photos by Lorena Hernandez. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Flowering
shoots. Beautiful photos of mistletoe. Paramo Chingaza (4000 m
elev.) near Bogota. Photos by Clivid. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Aetanthus nodosus
- Beautiful red and yellow
flowers. Tungurahua, above Baños, Ecuador. 1984. Photo by Job
- Flowering shoot. Cordillera
de Huaracayo, east of Cordillera del Cóndor and Río Coangos. Ridge
east of Shuar village of Tinkimints; Morona-Santiago, Limón Indanza,
Ecuador. David Neill, P. Berry, J. Manzanares & L. Jost no
13062. From
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Habit of plant. Andean
Ecuador. Photo by D. Wiens, March 1965.
- Close-up of flower.
Flower on left is Aetanthus
nodosus. It is compared with Tristerix longebracteatus
(two flowers on the right). Ecuador. Photo by D. Wiens, Mar. 1965.
- Inflorescences.
Ecuador. From the Live
Plant Photos website at Field Museum. Photo ID 11766.
Photo by Robin Foster
- Flowers. Ecuador.
As above. Photo ID 11767. Photo by Robin Foster.
- Flowering shoots. Perú.
From the Live
Plant Photos website at Field Museum. Photo ID 16065. Photo by
Robin Foster.
- Flowering shoots. Rio
Blanco Huancabamba, Piura, Peru. Photo by
Mauricio Ugarte-Lewis.
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Flowering
plant completely covering the host! Ecuador. Photo by Andreas
Kay. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Plant in fruit. Ecuador. Link goes to Flora
of the World. [
Neill, D 15796; original ID as Oryctanthus].
Agelanthus -
See also Polhill & Wiens (1998) p. 137-182 for many beautiful
- Agelanthus brunneus
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Murro, Uíge Province, Angola. Photos by Thea Lautenschläger. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Agelanthus djurensis
- Photos.
Gabon. Link goes to TROPICOS
database at MO.
- Agelanthus dodoneifolius
- Photo.
Fedougou, Mali. Photo by Warren McCleland. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Agelanthus glomeratus
- Photos.
Possibly this species. Kibokolo Forest, Uíge Province, Angola.
Photos by Anne Göhre. Link goes to
- Agelanthus lugardii
- Agelanthus natalitius
- Habit of mistletoe,
flowers, and flower
close-up. These flowers have red coloration at the
corolla tips. Greater Santa Lucia Wetland Park, South Africa. Dune
forest and stabilized dune. Link
goes to SOPHY
by P. de Ruffray, H. Brisse and G. Grandjouan.
- Flowers
with yellow coloration at the corolla tips. Link
goes to JSTOR.
- Photos.
Maputaland Coastal Forest Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Photos 1 Oct 2003 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photo.
Plant in flower. Photo by John Terblache (as
Tapinanthus). Link goes to Flickr.
- Agelanthus nyasicus
- Photos.
Tanzania, Pungaluma Hills, NE of Mshewe Village, above Utengule
Coffee Estate factory in miombo woodland. Photo 27 Jan. 2008 by C.
Davidson (coll. Roy Gereau 7039). Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Flowers. Possibly this
species. Tanzania highlands, Mafinga area. January 1986. Photo by D.
- Photos.
- Agelanthus prunifolius
- Photos.
A beautiful mistletoe parasitic on Rhus. Webb farm,
Kleinemond, South Africa. Photos by D. L. Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Agelanthus pungu
- Agelanthus schweinfurthii
- Agelanthus subulatus
- Agelanthus ziziphifolius
- Agelanthus sp.
- Photo.
As Tapinanthus kraussianus.
Mear Mkuze, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photo by Craig Gibbon. Link
to Flickr.
- Agelanthus
- Photo.
IITA (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture) Image
Library. Link goes to Flickr.
- Alepis flavida
- Photo. The
"yellow beech mistletoe," parasitic on Nothofagus. New
Zealand. Photo by David Norton.
- Habit of
the mistletoe, plant
flower, plant
fruit. Photos by Dave
Kelly, University of Canterbury.
- Plant
in flower. along Rainbow walk at Wilderness Lodge, Arthur'a
Pass, South Island, New Zealand. Photo by DigPeter. Link
to Flickr.
- Photos.
Many nice photos of the mistletoe. Link
goes to New Zealand Plant Conservation Network.
- Painting.
Link goes to Delta website.
- Amyema acuta
- Photos.
Link goes to Phytoimages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema apoensis
- Photos.
Link goes to Phytoimages.
- Amyema artensis
- Photos.
Link goes to Phytoimages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos. A
series of photos and descriptions (in French). For a Google
translation of the page to English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- Amyema beccarii
- Amyema benthamii
- Photo.
From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to
Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Amyema bifurcata
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema biniflora
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema cambagei
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema celebica
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo.
Possibly this species. Note that all flowers of the triad
are pedicellate and the sharply pointed apex of the flower buds.
Cuernos de Negros, Negros Oriental Province, Negros Island,
Philippines. 9.2500 N, 123.1833 E. Photo by Leonard Co.
- Amyema congener
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos
ssp. congener.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos
ssp. divergens.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema conspicua
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema cuernosensis
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Indonesia, Maluku Islands. Deby Arifiani et al. 1214. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Amyema curranii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema dilatipes
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema dolichopoda
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Amyema eburna
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Amyema fasciculata
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Possibly this species. Shoot
with ternate leaves. Flowering
shoot and close-up of
flower apex. Mistletoe parasitic on Bischofia javanica.
Mt. Silanganan, Bataan, Luzon Island, Philippines. The simple umbel
of four flowers, sometimes arising from the internodes, dilated
nodes, tomentose floral parts, and four-merous corolla. Danser
(1935) and Barlow (1992) give the flower color as red or yellow
below and green above, but those shown here are clearly orange.
Information same as above. Photos December 2009 by Ulysses Ferreras.
- Amyema finisterrae
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit of plant in
host tree, haustorial
attachment to host branch, and flower
close-up. Island of New Guinea, West Papua
region, southern Baliem valley near Kilise, ca. 1600 m
elevation. Photos by Christoph Neinhuis.
- Amyema fitzgeraldii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema friesiana
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Amyema gaudichaudii
- Photos. Link
goes to Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema gibberula
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit
of mistletoe and flower.
From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photo.
West MacDonnell National Park, Central Australia. Photo by Michael
and Karen. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema glabra
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Amyema haenkeana
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema halconensis
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema herbertiana
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Amyema hilliana
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema incarnatiflora
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema linophylla
- Habit
of plant and flowers.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema lisae
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema lucasii
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema luzonensis
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema mackayensis
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit
of plant with flower buds. From
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema maidenii
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit
of plant and flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema melaleucae
- Habit
of plant, flowering
shoot and fruits.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema miquelii
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema miraculosa
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit
of plant, flowering
shoot1 and 2
of ssp. boormanii. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photo.
New South Wales, Australia. Photo by Jardin Lautaret (Station Alpine
Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France). Link goes
to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema nestor
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema nickrentii
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema pendula
- Amyema plicatula
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Amyema polytrias
- Photos.
Indonesia, Maluku Islands. Deby Arifiani et al. 1230. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Amyema preissii
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit
of plant and fruits.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema quandang
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit
of plant, flowering
shoot From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema quaternifolia
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo
of flowers. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Amyema queenslandica
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema rigidiflora
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema sanguinea
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema scandens
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Mistletoe showing
umbellate inflorescence arising from the epicortical stem. New
Caledonia. Photo by Lytton J. Musselman.
- Mistletoe with young
inflorescences. Note size of haustorial connections. New Caledonia.
Photo by Lytton J. Musselman.
- Photos.
Parc Provincial de la Riviere Bleue, New Caledonia.
Photo 22 Nov. 2007 by C. Davidson (coll. J. Munzinger 4909). Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos. A
series of photos and descriptions (in French). For a Google
translation of the page to English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema seemeniana
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Amyema seriata
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema thalassia
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Amyema urdanetensis
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Mt. Hamiguitan, Davao Oriental Province, Mindanao Island,
Philippines. Photo by David Tees and Melanie Schori. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Amyema villiflora
- Flowering
shoot1 and 2
of plant and fruits
of ssp. tomentilla.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos
ssp tomentilla.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos
ssp. villiflora.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Amyema whitei
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Amyema wichmannii (including ssp. pura)
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Amyema species A
- Amyema species B
- Photos
of plant from Forty Mile Scrub (fruits similar to A.
conspicua). Link
goes to Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill
- Amyema species C
- Amylotheca cleofei
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Amylotheca dictyophleba
- Habit, flowers
and haustoria.
Queensland, Australia. Photos by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Inflorescences and fruit.
Queensland, Australia. City of Atherton. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Flowers.
Link goes to the Australian National Botanic
Garden Photo Collection.
- Photos.
Mistletoe in flower and fruit. New South Wales, Australia. Photos
by Bellingen1. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Flowers and fruits. Mistletoe on coastal trees at Manning Point,near
Harrington, Australia. Photo by Black Diamond Images. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Flowering
shoot, fruits
and germinating
seed. From Australian
Parasitic Plants by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos. A
series of photos and descriptions (in French). For a Google
translation of the page to English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Amylotheca duthieana
- Flowers
being visited by a spiderhunter bird, Arachnothera. From
Australian Parasitic Plants by Bryan Barlow.
- Amylotheca subumbellata
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Mistletoe
parasitic on Rhodamnia trineura (Myrtaceae). Paluma Range
just Australian of Townsville, Queensland, Australia. Photo by Greg
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Atkinsonia ligustrina
- Photos.
Note the flower color changes from yellow to orange to nearly red
as they mature. Blue Mountains National Park (near
Woodford). Photos by David Watson. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Herbarium sheet
from MO showing plant in fruit. Blue Mts., Australia. Photo by D.
- Bakerella ambongoensis
- Photos.
Plants in fruit. Ft. Dauphin, Madagascar.
Link goes to Flora of the
- Bakerella belohensis
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella clavata
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowers.
Madagascar. A. Gentry (no. 11616). Link goes
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowering plant.
Alekamisy, Madagascar. Photo by Kazuo Yamasaki.
- Flowering shoot and flower
close-up. Prov Fianar Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar.
Photo 10 Jan. 2006 by C. Davidson (coll. R. Ranaivojaona
1295). From FloraoftheWorld.org.
- Flowering shoot.
Alaotra Mangoro, Moramanga, Lakato, village Manasamena,
Toamasina, Alaotra-Mangoro, Madagascar. L. Rasoarivety, F. Galy,
Celestin & Zavason no. 432. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flora of the
- Bakerella clavata var. amplifolia
- Habit of vegetative
plant and leaves.
Tongoalahy BL, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Photo by M. Irwin Nov.
- Connection showing
epicortical roots, haustorial
connection and closer
of epicortical roots Tongoalahy BL, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar.
Photo by M. Irwin Nov. 2005.
- Habit of plant in
host tree, flowering
shoot, inflorescence
and open flower.
Tongoalahy BL, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Photo by M. Irwin Nov.
- Fruits with ant. Tongoalahy
BL, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Photo by M. Irwin Nov. 2005.
- Bakerella clavata var. lenticellata
- Bakerella clavata var.
- Inflorescence
and open flowers.
Andapa, Ambodivohitra, Antsiranana, Madagascar. Charles
Rakotovao & et al. no. 2683. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella grisea
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella hoyifolia var. hoyifolia
- Flowering shoots.
Manalo, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Photo by M. Irwin Nov.
- Flowers.
Manalo, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Photo by M. Irwin Nov.
- Habit of
plant and flowers.
Sud-Est, Farafangana, Mahabo Mananivo, Nosiala, Agnalazaha,
Fianarantsoa, Madagascar. Nivo Rakotoarivelo & Ph. Tamaizafy no.
213. Link goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella hoyifolia var. parkeri
- Flowering
shoot and closer view of flowers.
Sava, Andapa, Doany, Andranomololo, Antsiranana, Madagascar.
Charles Rakotovao & et al. no. 3088. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella mangindranensis
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella poissonii ssp. poissonii
- Collected specimen, flowering
shoot, open flowers.
Tongoalahy BL, Tsinjoarivo, Madagascar. Photo by M. Irwin Nov.
- Flowers. Tuléar
II, Basibasy, Satramalandy, Amontomanarivo, Toliara,
Atsimo-Andrefana, Madagascar. Herisoa Manjakahery no. 297. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella
viguieri var. viguieri
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella viguieri var. marojejensis
- Fruiting shoot.
Sava, Andapa, Doany, Anjialavahely, Antsiranana, Madagascar.
Charles Rakotovao & et al. no. 2965. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella sp.
- Flower.
Toliara, Anosy, Madagascar. Tefy Andriamihajarivo & F.
Rakotoarivony no. 1199. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella sp.
- Plant.
Madagascar. A. Gentry (no. 52315). Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella sp.
- Inflorescence.
Given as "aff. clavata" but flower color is not typical.
Reserve Naturelle de Marojejy; along the trail to the summit of
Marojejy Est, NW of Mandena. James S. Miller & P.P. Lowry II no.
3901. Link goes
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Bakerella sp.
- Photos.
East of Anjozorobe. Near village of Antsahabe, Rogers, Z 1196. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Bakerella sp.
- Bakerella sp.
- Flowers. Madagascar. Photo by
D. Wiens.
Baratranthus (=
- Baratranthus axanthus
- Photos.
Note tiny unisexual flowers arising from a cushion-like
inflorescence. Parasitic on Pleiocarpidia capituligera
(Rubiaceae). Sarawak, Malaysia. Photos by D. L. Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Benthamina alyxifolia
- Berhautia senegalensis
- Flowering shoots. Gambia,
vicinity of Bureng. Photo by Michael Jones (Newman College,
Birmingham, UK).
- Cecarria obtusifolia
- Habit of plant in flower. TR14
parish of Kestevene, Leo Creek Road, Cape York, Queensland,
Australia. 420 m elev. 27-Nov -1991. Photo by Bruce Gray [B. Gray
- Close-up of flowers from
above image. Photo by Bruce Gray.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Cladocolea loniceroides
- Photos and text of this species becoming a problem in urban areas
of Mexico. From web page Dirección de Reforestación Urbana,
Parques y Ciclovías. Google translation HERE.
- Cladocolea micrantha
- Cladocolea sp.
Cyne (including
- Cyne banahaensis (not C. capitulifera as originally
- Cyne quadriangula
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Cyne sp.
- Photo.
Caraga Region, Dinagat Island Province, Philippines. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dactyliophora novae-guineae
- Herbarium specimen and
close-up of inflorescence
of plant from New Guinea. Photos by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo of
inflorescence and fruits.
Queensland. Photos by Bernie Hyland.
From Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Decaisnina aherniana
- Photos.
Philippines, Panay. Photos by Danilo Tandang. Link
to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina amplexicaulis
- Photos.
Philippines, Mindanao. Photos by Alvin Goloran. Link
to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina angustata
- Flowering
shoot1 and 2.
Link goes to Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to
Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Decaisnina brittenii
- Photos.
Queensland, Australia. Link
to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot1 and 2
and fruits. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Decaisnina congesta
- Photos.
Queensland, Australia. Link
to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Decaisnina cumingii
- Photos.
Philippines. Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina forsteriana
- Photos.
From Solomon Islands. Photos by Ulysses Ferreras. Link
to PhytoImages.
Inflorescence. This species is found in the Solomon
Islands, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tahiti and Marquesas
Islands. Photo by Tim Motley.
- Inflorescence.
From Fiji. Photo by M. Fagg. Link
to Mistletoes of Australia.
- Decaisnina hollrungii
- Photos.
Queensland, Australia and New Guinea. Photos by D. L.
Nickrent. Link goes to
- Habit of plant in
host tree and closer view of young
inflorescence. Island of New Guinea, West Papua
region, southern Baliem valley near Syokosimo, ca. 1600 m
elevation. Photos by Christoph Neinhuis.
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Decaisnina ovatifolia
- Photos.
Philippines. Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina samaense
- Photos.
Philippines. Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina signata
- Habit of plant, close-up
of flowers. Parasitizing Buchanania
obovata (Anacardiaceae). Kakadu National Park,
Australianern Territory, Australia. Photo by Greg Calvert.
- Inflorescence. Kakadu
National Park, Australia. Photo by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Photos.
Darwin, Australianern Territory, Australia. Photo by Jaap Cost
Budde. Link goes to Flickr.
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Decaisnina sumbawensis
- Photos.
Philippines. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina tomentosa
- Photos.
Philippines. Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Decaisnina triflora
- Photos.
Gumi logging area, Papua New Guinea. Photos by Dan Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to
Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Decaisnina viridis
- Photos.
Philippines. Link goes to
- Decaisnina zollingeri
- Habit of Dendrophthoe
parasitic on Mangifera indica
(mango). The Decaisnina is epiparasitic upon this
other loranth. Note the Dendrophthoe has scattered,
alternate leaves with long petioles. Makassar, South Sulawesi,
Indonesia. Photo October 2008 by Sybout Porte.
- Haustorial
connection of Dendrophthoe to host branch (mango, Mangifera).
above. Photo by Sybout Porte.
- Flowers and young
fruits of Decaisnina. Note the opposite leaves and
short petioles. Same as above. Photo by Sybout Porte.
- Decaisnina sp.
- Photos.
Merello 3512 Indonesia, East Halmahera. Weda Bay. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Decaisnina sp.
- Photos.
Callmander 1108, Indonesia, Maluku Islands. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Decaisnina
- Photos.
Hidayat 5035, Indonesia, Maluku Islands. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Decaisnina sp.
- Mistletoe.
New Guinea. Photo Feb. 1973 by D. Wiens.
- Decaisnina possible species
- Photo
of inflorescence. Mingan, at the boundary between Nueva Ecija and
Aurora provinces, on a mountain ridge at 1,707 masl, Aurora
Province, Luzon Island, Philippines. Photo May 20, 2010 by Ulysses
Ferreras. Link goes to
- Decaisnina sp.
- Decaisnina sp.
- Photos
of mistletoe taken in Solomon Islands by Ulysses Ferreras. Two
species are known from these islands, D.
hollrungii and D.
forsteriana, but this specimen appears different than
either of these two species. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon alatus
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Dendropemon bicolor
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon caribaeus
- Dendropemon confertiflorus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon emarginatus
- Photo.
Plant in fruit, from Dominican Republic. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon constantiae
- Photo.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Dendropemon loranthoideus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon oliganthus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon purpureus
- Photo.
Plant in fruit. Varadero, Matanzas, Cuba. Photo by
Scott Zona. Link goes
to Flickr.
- Dendropemon pycnophyllus
- Photos.
Mistletoe in flower (beautiful, large, pink ones!).
Dominican Republic. Photos by AberratedLeaf (student in
OH). Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Mistletoe in flower (beautiful, large, pink ones!).
Dominican Republic. Photos by Scott Zona. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon rigidus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon rostratus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon sintenisii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendropemon spathulatus
- Dendrophthoe acacioides
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to
Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Dendrophthoe cf. carinata
- Habit of mistletoe
with young growth occurring to the left (parasitic on Vitex
quinata). Inflorescence
showing nearly mature floral buds with capitate ends. Fully
open flowers. Closer
view of the flowers showing the carinate corolla lobes. Flower
buds (ca. 4 cm long) showing the calyculus. This species
is recorded in Danser (1931) only from W Java. Is this the
same species or a new one? Near Environmental Education Centre (PPLH
Puntondo), ca. 70 km south of Makassar, South Sulawesi,
Indonesia. Photo by Sybout Porte.
- Dendrophthoe clementis
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe curvata
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photo.
Flowering shoot. Maharashtra, India. Photo by Dinesh Valke. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Dendrophthoe falcata
- Photos.
Sri Lanka. Link goes to
- Photo.
Red corolla variant. Near Thoseghar waterfall, Satara,
Maharashtra, India. Photo by Prashant Awale. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Photos.
White corolla variant of this species. India. Photos by Dinesh
Valke. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photo.
The same white flowered corolla variant. Maharashtra, India.
Photo by Pravin Kawale. Link goes to
Flowers of India.
- Photos.
A number of excellent photos of the white corolla form of
this species. Link goes to Wikipedia.
- Dendrophthoe glabrescens
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photo.
Flowering shoot. Devarayana Durga, Karnataka, India.
Photo by Shaista Ahmad. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Dendrophthoe grandifrons
- Inflorescences.
Peninsular Malaysia. Photo by E. Soepadmo (Nature Malesiana,
1978, 3:24-31).
- Photos.
Mistletoe in flower from Malaysia. Photos by Ahamad Fuad Morad.
Considers this species synonymous with D.
incarnata. Link goes to Flickr.
- Dendrophthoe homoplastica
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Inflorescence.
Parasitic on a silver wattle (Acacia holosericea) on the
campus of James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland,
Australia. Photo by Greg Calvert.
- Habit
on/with Viscum articulatum
and flowering
shoot. Link goes
to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Dendrophthoe incarnata
- Photos.
Flowers. From Peninsular Malaysia. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Dendrophthoe ligulata
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe longiflora
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe longituba
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe mearnsii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe neelgherrensis.
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe odontocalyx
- Flower
buds not quite mature. Kavieng, New Ireland, Papua New
Guinea. Photo by G. Glatzel August 2005.
- Flowering
shoot. Link goes
to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Dendrophthoe pentandra
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Ripe fruits. Central
Nepal. Photo by Mohan Devkota.
- Photos.
Bát Xát, Lào Cai, Vietnam. Photos by Ductrongeb. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Parasitic on Syzygium aequem, in Putrajaya Wetlands,
Malaysia. Photos by Kamarundin Mat-Salleh. Link
to Flickr.
- Flowering shoot
and close-up of flowers.
Peninsular Malaysia. Photos by E. Soepadmo (Nature Malesiana,
1978, 3:24-31).
- Photos
of flowers, fruits, and leaf. Link
goes to the NatureLoveYou
web site in Singapore.
- Photos. Go to
Loranthaceae and click to this species. Link
goes to Plants of Southeast Asia by Ferry Slik.
- Photos.
From Peninsular Malaysia. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Photos
and descriptions. A nicely done blog entitled "Mistletoes of
Singapore". Link goes to tHE
- Many
photos. Link goes
to Flickr.
- Dendrophthoe suborbicularis
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthoe trigona
- Habit of mistletoe,
shoot showing
trigonous stem, flowers,
Parasitic on Ficus racemosa.
Western Ghats, India. Photos by R. B. Jadhav.
- Flower. From Phansad
WLS by Pravin.
- Dendrophthoe vitellina
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Nice series. Bray Park, Waratah, suburb of Newcastle, New South
Wales. Parasitic on Grey Ironbark, Eucalyptus paniculata.
Tony from Sydney. Link goes to Flickr.
- Habit,
shoot and fruits. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Desmaria mutabilis
- Photos.
Nahuelbuta National Park, Chile. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit of mistletoe
parasitic on Nothofagus sp. Nahuelbuta National Park,
Chile (ca. 100 km S of Concepcion). Photo by John W. Reynolds.
- Same as above - close-up
of inflorescence. Photo by John W.
- A yellow flowered form of
the species. El Porvenir, Chile. Jan. 1984. Photo by Job Kuijt.
- Close-up of the
inflorescence. El Porvenir, Chile. Jan. 1984. Photo by Job
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos
of plant in flower (orange and yellow flowered forms). Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Diplatia furcata
- Diplatia grandibractea
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Diplatia tomentosa
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot and fruits. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
Distrianthes -
no photos of living plant
- Distrianthes molliflora
- Elytranthe albida
- Photos
showing flowering shoots and close-up of upper part of flower.
Mizoram, Australianeast India. Photos by Prashant Awale. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Herbarium specimen and
close-up of inflorescences.
Plant from Thailand. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Painting and drawing
from Blume (1851). Note the inflorescence contains 1-3 decussate
pairs of flowers and each unit is subtended by bracts and
bracteoles, each up to 1.2 cm long. The corolla color is described
by Danser (1931) as "white or yellowish white, or white with fine
bluish points, or red or violet at the tips of the lobes, or more
rarely entirely reddish."
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Illustration of E.
albida and E. arnottiana.
Modified from Danser (1931).
- Photos.
Plant in flower. The photos of other Elytranthe species on
this page are now placed in Macrosolen, e.g. M.
capitellatus and M. parasiticus. Indeed, molecular
evidence indicates that the genus Elytranthe might best be
included within Macrosolen, as was considered by Barlow
(1997). Link goes to
- Emelianthe galpinii
- Englerina gabonensis
- Englerina heckmanniana
- Photo.
Kakamega forest, Kenya. Photo by Serge Aubert. Link
to Flickr.
- Englerina inequilatera
- Englerina lecardii
- Flowering shoots.
Parasitic on Mitragyna inermis. Riverine forest vegetation
along the White Volta river, near Diare on Tamale - Bolgatanga road,
Ghana. From Virtual Field
Herbarium, Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford. Photo P.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Englerina oedostemon
- Englerina woodfordioides
- Erianthemum dregii
- Erianthemum ngamicum
- Anthesis in this
species is explosive. At the slightest touch, the corolla lobes snap
open and the filaments coil up rapidly. This causes the anthers and
enclosed pollen to be flung as far as 20 cm. The mechanism is an
evolutionary adaptation to bird pollination. Photo from Visser
- Photos
of species from Botaswana. Photos by Darrel
Plowes. Link goes
to the Flora
of Zimbabwe web pages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Erianthemum virescens
- Photo
of species from Base of Njelele Pass, 25km East of Gokwe,
Zimbabwe. Photo by Darrel Plowes. Link
goes to the Flora
of Zimbabwe web pages.
- Gaiadendron punctatum
- for more photos, see Polhill & Wiens (1998) p. 209-218
- Globimetula anguliflora
- Photos.
Pungaluma Hills, NE of Mshewe Village, Tanzania. Photos by C.
Davidson. Link goes to Flora of the
- Globimetula assiana
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Globimetula braunii
- Photos.
Flowering shoots. Konda ku Mbuta, in Bas-Congo and Equateur
provinces. Photos by Scamperdale. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Globimetula cornutibracteata
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Globimetula dinklagei
- Globimetula mweroensis
- Globimetula cf. pachyclada
- Shoot
with flower buds. Although this keys to this species, its
flowers differ from the photo in Polhill & Wiens (1998).
New species? Mecufi, Australianern Mozambique. Photo by Ton
Rulkens. Link goes to
- Helicanthes elastica
- Photos. Link
goes to Digital Flora of Karnataka (Indian Institute of Science).
Same photos as Flora of Penninsular India.
- Photos.
Flowers and fruits. Link goes to
Flowers of India.
- Photos.
Flowering shoots. Link goes to
- Habit, host stem
showing mistletoe spreading by epicortical
roots, and flowers.
Parasitic on Syzygium
cumini. Note the flowers appear to be completely sessile,
arising from woody swellings at the nodes. Western Ghats,
India. Photos by R. B. Jadhav.
- Photos 1 and 2
of a flowering shoot. Note the wide separation of the stigma
and anthers, thus showing approach herkogamy. Anshi National Park,
Karnataka, India. Photos by Sachin A. Punekar.
- Herbarium specimen,
Trivandrum, Kerala, India. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photos.
Link goes to eFlora of India.
- Helixanthera annamica
- Helixanthera brevicalyx
- Helixanthera coccinea
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Helixanthera cylindrica
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Helixanthera hookeriana
- Helixanthera kirkii
- Photos.
Morogoro, Ulanga, Tanzania. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Helixanthera ligustrina
- Habit of plant parasitizing
Rhododendron arboreum. Kathmandu Valley, 1450 m elevation.
Photo by Mohan Devkota, April 1995.
- Plant with flowers and
fruits. Kathmandu Valley, 1450 m elevation. Photo by Mohan
Devkota, May 1995.
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Helixanthera mannii
- Photos.
Near the town of Saa (ca. 100 km Australian of Yaoundé), Cameroon.
Photos by Antoine Legrand. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Congo. Link goes to TROPICOS.
- Helixanthera obtusata
- Photos.
Flowering shoots and flowers. Eravilulam National Park,
Munnar, Kerala, India. Photo by Dinesh Valke. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Painting.
Link goes to Delta website.
- Helixanthera parasitica
- Helixanthera pulchra
- Photos.
Flowers. From Peninsular Malaysia. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Helixanthera sampsonii
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Helixanthera sessiliflora
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Helixanthera setigera
- Photos.
Brunei. Link goes to
- Helixanthera wallichiana
- Helixanthera woodii
- Photos.
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Plants mostly in fruit. Chimanimani Mountains, Zimbabwe.
Photos by Bart Wusrsten. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Helixanthera sp.
- Photos
Chiang Mai, Thailand. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Ileostylus micranthus
- Series
excellent photos of a plant being grown in the University of
Canterbury New Zealand glasshouse. Photos by Pieter Pelser.
Link goes to
- Flowering shoots,
flowers and plant
in fruit. New Zealand. Photos by David Norton.
- Photo
1 and Photo 2 of
young infructescences. New Zealand. Photo by D. Wiens, Feb. 1973.
- Plate 1 of four images
from the New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network. A. flowering shoots (Nick Singers); B.
habit of mistletoe, Taiharuru, Kennedy Bay (John Smith-Dodsworth);
C. flowers, Bartons Bush, Trentham (Jeremy Rolfe); D. close view of
flowers, Taiharuru, Kennedy Bay (John Smith-Dodsworth).
- Plate 2 of three images
from the New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network. A. inflorescences, Bartons Bush,
Trentham (Jeremy Rolfe); B. closer view of flowers, Bartons Bush,
Trentham (Jeremy Rolfe); C. fruits, Miranda (John Smith-Dodsworth).
- Photos.
goes to Flickr.
- Lampas elmeri
- Inflorescence. The
swollen portion to the left of the flowers is the primary haustorium
connection to the host. Bagahak, Lahad Datu, Australianern
Borneo, Malaysia. Photo by J. Dransfield.
- Lepeostegeres cebuensis
- Photos.
Philippines. This species was first described in 2016. See
publication HERE.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Lepeostegeres centiflorus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Lepeostegeres congestiflorus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Lepeostegeres deciduus
- Herbarium sample.
Eastern Highlands District, Australian slopes of Mt. Michael, 2000 m
elev. Collected by L. J. Brass (no. 31146), 22 Aug. 1959.
- Herbarium sample,
close-up. Near Perosa, 18 miles southwest of Okapa, 5000 ft.
elev. Coll. by Thomas G. Hartley (no. 13198), 30 Sept. 1964.
- Lepeostegeres lancifolius
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Lepidaria kingii (incl. L. malaiana)
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Thailand. Link goes to
BFK Forest Herbarium.
- Photos.
Fallen flowers. From Peninsular Malaysia. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Lepidaria pulchella
- Photos.
Parasitic on Timonius lasianthoides (Rubiaceae). Sarawak,
Malaysia. Photos by D. L. Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Lepidaria quadriflora
- Photos.
Philippines. Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Lepidaria sabaensis
- Flowering shoot. Note
the 4-flowered head with flowers less than 50 mm long, leaves with
acute tips, and the yellow corolla with lobes about the same length
as the tube. This species can also have red flowers. Mt. Kinabalu,
Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. Photograph by Hotta Mitsuru, published in
"World of Plants" article by Mitsuru Hirota (Weekly Asahihyakka,
Jan. 22, 1995).
- Ligaria cuneifolia
- Habit of the mistletoe.
An especially robust specimen, growing on Prosopis alba.
Tafí del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina. Photo by Alfredo Grau.
- Mistletoe. Prov. Mendoza,
Argentina. Photo2 May, 1979 by J. Kuijt.
- Flowering plant parasitic on
Prosopis. Near Los Andes, Chile. March 2003. Photo by G.
- Close-up of flowers. Plant
parasitic on Acacia caven. Ovalle, Chile. March 2003. Photo
by G. Amico.
- Fruits. Mendoza, Argentina.
Photo by G. Amico.
- Seedlings. Photo
by Wilfredo Gonzáles Lozada.
- Series
photos of this species. Link
goes to Flora Digital RS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Including one mistletoe parasitizing a cactus. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Loranthus delavayi
- Loranthus europaeus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to Botanik im Bild / Flora von Österreich,
Liechtenstein und Südtirol.
- Color
illustration of the plant. Link
goes to site of Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé.
- Loranthus grewingkii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Loranthus guizhouensis
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Loranthus kaoi
- Photos.
This mistletoe is hyperparasitic on Taxillus rhododendricolius.
Taiwan. Photo by Mingiweng. Link goes to
- Loranthus lambertianus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Loranthus odoratus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Loranthus pseudoodoratus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Loranthus tanakae
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Loxanthera speciosa
- Photos.
Between Bako and Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Photos by D. L.
Nickrent. Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Lysiana casuarinae
- Flowering
shoot. Link goes
to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Lysiana exocarpi
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- 1,
nice photos of this species from Victoria, Australia. Photos by
Meredith Cosgrove from PlantSystematics.org.
- Habit,
shoot and fruits. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Lysiana filifolia
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Lysiana linearifolia
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Lysiana maritima
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Close-up of flowers.
Queensland, Australia. Photo by Aaron Liston.
- Flowering
shoot1 and flowers. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Lysiana murrayi
- Lysiana spathulata
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering
shoot, fruit,
and seeds germinating on host branch 1
and 2. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Lysiana subfalcata
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowers of the yellow form.
Australian of Esperance, Australia. Photo by D. Wiens, Oct. 1972.
- Plant with red flowers, also
bearing fruits. Pebble Beach, N of Cairns along Captain Cook
Highway, Queensland, Australia. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Macrosolen albicaulis
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Macrosolen avenis
- Macrosolen barlowii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Macrosolen bibracteolatus
- Photos.
Bàn Khoan, Sa Pa, Lào Cai, Vietnam. Photos by Ductrongeb. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Unfortunately, one must scroll down to see the watermarked
photos. Link goes to www.planta.cn.
- Photos.
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Macrosolen capitellatus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit of plant
parasitic on Mangifera indica.
Western Ghats, India. Photo by R. B. Jadhav.
- Photo.
Flowering shoot. Phansad Wild Life Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India.
Photo by Prashant Awale. Link goes to Flowers
of India.
- Macrosolen cochinchinensis.
- Note there is a lot of variation in flower color and morphology
this species. Synonyms include M. angulatus, M. coriaceus, M.
mcgregorii, M. suberosus, and M. worcesteri).
- Macrosolen crassus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Macrosolen dianthus
- Macrosolen formosus
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Photos.
From Peninsular Malaysia. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Macrosolen geminatus
- Photos.
Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Macrosolen jamilii
- Photo. Mt. Tambuyukon,
Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia. Photo by Ravi Mandalam. From Mt. Kinabalu,
Borneo, Malaysia.
- Photos.
As M. X tubiflorus. Kinabalu National Park, Sabah,
Malaysia. Link goes to PBase
galleries by Rogier van Vugt.
- Macrosolen cf. macrophyllus
- Habit of the mistletoe in
flower. Mulu World Heritage Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Photo
taken March 2007 by Peter Maxwell.
- Photo1 and photo2
of the mistletoe inflorescence. Mulu World Heritage Park,
Sarawak, Malaysia. Photos taken March 2007 by Eric Hunt.
- Macrosolen melitangensis
- Photo.
Thailand. Link goes to
The Botanical Garden Organization Database.
- Flowering shoots and
closer view of the flowers.
Phu Luang, Thailand. From the Magnolia
Thailand web page.
- Flowering shoot and closer
view of flower, fruiting
shoot. Parasitic on Pternandra
coerulescens (Melastomataceae) Bako National Park, Sarawak,
Malaysia (Borneo). Photo by Normunds Prieditis.
- Flowering shoot.
Possibly this species, which has many synonyms (e.g. M. bellus,
M. floridus, M. javanus, M. lowii, M. sumatranus, M.
tenuiflorus, and M. urceolatus). Peninsular
Malaysia. Photo by E. Soepadmo (Nature Malesiana, 1978,
- Macrosolen parasiticus
- Photos.
Sri Lanka. Photos by Gerhard Glatzel. Link
goes to PhytoImages
- Photo.
Inflorescence. Mumbai. Photo by Narendra Joshi. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Photo.
This flower is quite different from the ones photographed by
Glatzel in Sri Lanka. Which is correct? Link
goes to Flickr.
- Macrosolen platyphyllus
- Massive
flower! Malaysia. Photo by Katsu on this Chinese
web site.
- One and a closer
view of the flowers. Note the leaf margin has been damaged from
herbivory. Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Na Bon, Nam Tok
Yong National Park, Khao Maen (Williams 1269). Photo by Kyle
- Fruits, with
aphids on the pedicel. Thailand, Nakhon Si Thammarat province, Na
Bon, Nam Tok Yong National Park, Khao Maen (Williams 1269). Photo by
Kyle Williams.
- Close-up of flowers.
The "plant of the month" for November, 2004. BKF
Forest Herbarium, Thailand. Photo by M. Poopath (Narathiwat).
- Photos.
From Peninsular Malaysia. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Macrosolen retusus
- Photos.
Brunei. Photos by Lytton Musselman. Link
goes to PhytoImages
- Photos
and descriptions. A nicely done blog entitled "Mistletoes of
Singapore". Link goes to tHE
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Macrosolen tricolor
- Photos.
Vietnam. Photos by Ductrongeb. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Macrosolen trigonus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages
- Macrosolen X tubiflorus
- Photo1,
photo 2.
Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo, Malaysia. Photos by Todd Barkman.
- Photos.
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Macrosolen sp.
- Photos.
Indonesia. Photos by Tjut Jul Fatisa Bangun. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
Maracanthus -
no photos of living plant
- Maracanthus chlamydatus
- Illustration.
From Kuijt (1976, Brittonia 28:231-238). 1) habit, 2) pistillate
flower L.S., 3) staminate flower L.S., 4) pistillate flower and
bracts, 5) clasping bracteoles around staminate flower scar, 6)
abaxial view of stamens, 7) fruit and embryo.
- Maracanthus costaricensis
- Illustration.
From Kuijt (2007, Novon 17:476-478). As Oryctina
costaricensis. Transferred to Maracanthus
in Kuijt (2014, Novon 23: 176-186).
- Maracanthus pedunculatus
- Illustration .
From Kuijt (1976, Brittonia 28:231-238). 8) habit, 9) petals with
aborted stamen and style, 10) inflorescence-bearing node, showing
furfuraceous lines, 11) flower, bracts, and bracteoles, 12) embryo
and fruit.
- for more photos, see Polhill & Wiens (1998) p. 207-208.
- Moquiniella rubra
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages
- Flowers. Near
Worcester, South Africa. Photo by L. J. Musselman.
- Photos.
Eastern Cape. Quanti Area, Stutterheim District, South
Africa. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Muellerina bidwillii
- Flowering
shoot. Link
goes to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Muellerina celastroides
- Flowering shoots.
Australia. From the New
Zealand Plant Conservation Network. Photo by Nick Reid.
- Photo.
Flower of the Coast Mistletoe, foodplant for the Dark Purple Azure
butterfly (Ogyris abrota). Toowoomba, Australia. Photo Jan
2008 by Steve Petrovich. Link goes to Flickr.
- Habit1
and 2
and flowering
shoot. Link goes
to Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Muellerina eucalyptoides
- Notanthera heterophylla
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Comuna San Clemente, Maule, Talca, Chile. Photos by S.
Christoph. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Nuytsia floribunda
- Oedina pendens
- Oliverella rubro-viridis
- Photos.
Link goes to Flora of
Zimbabwe website.
- Oncella gracilis
- Inflorescence. Uluguru
Mts. of eastern Tanzania. Photo by Roger Polhill.
- Oncocalyx bolusii
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Oncocalyx ugogensis
- Fruits. Kenya. Photo
July 1972 by D. Wiens.
- Flower buds (the rare red and
yellow form). Possibly this species. Kenya. Photo July 1972 by D.
- Oncocalyx welwitschii
- Photos.
Namibia. Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Oryctanthus alveolatus
- Oryctanthus callicarpus
- Inflorescences. The inset shows
the tiny flowers that are perpendicular to the axis (not inclined
forward), and the flattened fruits. Parasitic on Persea
americana. La Selva, Costa Rica. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Plant with flowers and
fruits on spikes. Panamá. From the Neotropical
Plant Photos site. Photo ID 26400. Photo by Robin Foster.
- Collected plant.
Costa Rica, Punta Arenas: Coto Brus San Vito, Estacion Biologica Las
Cruces. Photo by Josh Der, June 17, 2004.
- A
series of digital photos showing various parts of the plant
(leaves, inflorescences, haustorial connections, etc.) Link
goes to La Flora Digital de La Selva.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Oryctanthus cordifolius
- Photos.
Good close-ups of flowers and young fruits. Note these flowers are
bisexual, not unisexual as labeled. Panama. Link
goes to Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.
- View 1 and view
2 of inflorescence / infructescence. Parasitic on Annona
glabra. Atlántico Sur, Nicaragua. Stevens et al.
28651. Link goes to TROPICOS database
at MO.
- Photos.
Nicaragua. Stevens, W. D. 34840. Link goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Oryctanthus florulentus
- Photo.
Excellent series of photos of the mistletoe. Link
goes to Flore de Guyane.
- Vegetative branch.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with
permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Fruits. Projeto
Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with permission from
Mike Hopkins.
- Plant with inflorescences.
Perú. Note the furfuraceous line continuing from the stem to along
the lower midrib of the leaf all the way to the apex. Note also the
very short inflorescence peduncle.The fruits of this specimen are
orange as opposed to bright red as shown in the above specimen from
Brazil. From the Live
Plant Photos website at the Field Museum. Photo ID 22651.
Photo by Robin Foster.
- Photos.
Ecuador. Photos by Nancy Garwood. Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Illustration.
(1838). Link goes to plantillustrations.org.
- Illustration.
(1868). Link goes to plantillustrations.org.
- Oryctanthus spicatus
- Shoots with flowers
and young fruits. Perú. Note furfuraceous lines along stem.
From the Live
Plant Photos website at the Field Museum. Photo ID 15173.
Photo by Robin Foster.
- Collected
specimen and close-up of inflorescence.
Parasitic on an Annonaceae tree. PILA, Bocas del Toro,
Changuinola, Panama. Alex K. Monro, Dilia Santamaria & J.
Lezcano no. 5991. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Link goes to Neotropical
- Illustrations.
Link goes to
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Peru. Rodolfo Vásquez et al. 36480. Link goes
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Oryctina myrsinites
- Illustration.
Martius (1868). As Phthirusa
myrsinites. Link goes to
- Oryctina scabrida
- Illustration
(as Oryctanthus scabridus).
Link goes to plantillustrations.org.
- Oryctina subaphylla
- Flowering
plant. Planalto do Brasil. Link goes to
New York Botanical Garden type image collection.
- Flowering
plant. As. O. piranii.
Goias, Brasil. Link goes to New York
Botanical Garden type image collection
- no photos of living plant
- Panamanthus panamensis
- no photos of living plant
- Papuanthes albertisii
- Herbarium specimen, and close-up
of inflorescences. Archived at LAE, collected by Craven and Schodde
(no. 1105), Morobe District, Papua New Guinea. Photo by D. L.
Passovia (many
species previously resided in Phthirusa)
- Passovia pedunculata (formerly Passovia
stelis, Phthirusa abdita,
Phthirusa stelis)
- Passovia podoptera
- Figure 10 from Reif (2007). A-
general aspect of the individual (bar = 1 m); B – detail of
insertion on the host (bar = 2 cm); C – detail of the female
inflorescence (bar = 1 cm); D – detail of the inflorescence (bar = 1
cm). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Passovia pycnostachya
- Passovia pyrifolia
- Photos.
A series of excellent photos of the mistletoe (as Phthirusa
pyrifolia). Link goes to Flore de
- Leaves and inflorescences.
Los Amigos Conservation Area, Rio Los Amigos, Madre de Dios, Peru.
J.P. Janovec No. 2720. Photo by John Janovec.
- Photos.
Parque Nacional Madidi, laguna Chalalan, La Paz, Franz Tamayo,
Bolivia. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
W. D. Stevens 34882, Nicaragua. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
goes to PlantSystematics.org.
- Passovia rufa
- Flowering branch.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with
permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Closer view of
inflorescence. Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR,
Brazil. Used with permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Inflorescence
close-up with scale insects. Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke
DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Flower. Projeto
Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with permission from
Mike Hopkins.
- Photos.
Beautiful close-ups of flowers and fruits, as well as a habit shot.
Aparecida, Manaus, AM, Brazil. Photos by Gregorio Ceccan-Tini.
goes to Flickr.
- Pedistylus galpinii.
- Beautiful flower from
plant growing on Acacia. Kruger National Park, South
Africa. Photo by Marco Bleeker.
- Color painting by Marguerite
Scott, from "Flowering Plants of Africa" (1994, Vol. 53, O. A.
Leistner editor, National Botanical Institute).
- Peraxilla colensoi
- Flowering shoots. New
Zealand. Photo by David Norton.
- Flowers being
pollinated by Tui bird. Photo by Dave
Kelly, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Seedling
of mistletoe showing holdfast attachment of primary haustorium to
the host. Photo by Dougal Holmes, courtesy of the
Biology web
by Dave Kelly, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Plate 1 of four images
from the New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network. A. Habit of the mistletoe (Brian
Molloy); B. flowers, from west coast, South Island (Phil
Knightbridge); C. closer view of flowers (David Norton); D. flowers
at anthesis (Nick Singers).
- Plate 2 of four images
from the New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network. A. close view of flowering shoot (Brian
Molloy); B. flowers (DoC); C. an old series two dollar bill showing
bird pollinating Peraxilla (G.M. Crowcroft); D. fruiting
shoot (Brian Molloy).
- Mistletoe on money!
This New Zealand old series two dollar bill shows a bird
pollinating a Peraxilla
[note the downward orientation of the flower is incorrect].
Photo by L. J. Musselman.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Peraxilla tetrapetala
- Photos Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Inflorescences. New
Zealand. Photo by Peter Bannister.
- Floral buds. New
Zealand. Photo by David Norton.
- Flowers. A
beautiful photo by Dougal Holmes of the flowers at anthesis,
courtesy of Dave
Kelly, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Flower
opened by the bee Leioproctus
sp. Photo courtesy of Dave
Kelly, University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Flower showing the "Chinese
lantern" phase of anthesis and close-up
flower. For more on this topic, see Ladley and Kelly
(1995, Nature, 378: 766). Parasitic on Nothofagus. Photo
taken in New Zealand Feb. 1973 by Del Wiens.
- Plate 1 of four images
from the New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network. A. habit of mistletoe in host tree
(Cathy Jones); B. host tree with band to protect mistletoe from
possoms (Nick Singers); C. Tui bird pollinating mistletoe flowers
(Jenny Ladley); D. flowering shoots (John Smith-Dodsworth).
- Plate 2 of four images
from the New Zealand Plant
Conservation Network. A. flowers (Cathy Jones); B. flowers
(John Smith-Dodsworth); C. flowers (John Smith-Dodsworth); D. fruit
(Nick Singers).
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
Peristethium (some
species previously resided in Cladocolea
& Struthanthus)
- Peristethium aequatoris
- Photos.
Along road from Tandayapa to Mindo, Pichincha, Ecuador. Photos
27 Mar. 2006 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Peristethium archeri
- Plant with fruits. The
rose red fruits later become blue with a greyish bloom. See
discussion in Kuijt (1975) about similarity of this species and Struthanthus
polystachyus. Ecuador. From the
Plant Photos website at the Field Museum. Photo ID 8224
by Robin Foster [as Cladocolea
- Peristethium attenuatum
- Photos.
of Peñas Blancas, Carchi Prov., Ecuador. Photos 18 Feb. 2005
by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Peristethium leptostachyum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages
- Photos.
Maquipucuna Reserve, Pichincha, Ecuador. Photos 12 Mar. 2006
by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
[as Struthanthus] Plant in
flower and fruit. Photos by Mireya D. Correa A. Link
goes to Herbario, Universidad de Panama.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- for more photos, see Polhill & Wiens (1998) p. 246-273
- Phragmanthera capitata
- Photos.
Uige Province, Angola. Photos by Christoph Neinhuis.
Link goes to
- Collected specimen
with yellow flowers. Bame. Fishing camp, 60 km S of Mayomba, Nyanga,
Gabon. Voucher (No. 642) and photo by Walters, Stone, Nzabi and
Boumbou. Link goes to TROPICOS database at
- Drawing.
Link goes to Delta website.
- Phragmanthera crassicaulis
- Phragmanthera macrosolen
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Phragmanthera polycrypta
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Phragmanthera regularis
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Phragmanthera usuiensis
- This species is native to eastern and central Africa, but these
specimens were cultivated on Nerium
oleander in the Botanische Garten der Technischen
Universität Dresden. Photos 1,
by Jan De Laet on PlantSystematics.org.
- Photos.
Egerton University campus and Botanical Garden, Kenya. Photos
10 July 2004 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Phragmanthera sp.
- Fruiting shoots
Plant was parasitic on Maytenus senegalesis. Bilisu F.R. on
Tamale-Yendi road; about 1km along the E. boundary. From Virtual
Field Herbarium, Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford. Photo
P. Ekpe/NSBP.
Phthirusa (including
Some former members of this genus are now in Passovia)
- Phthirusa hutchisonii
- Phthirusa ?
- Photos.
Plants from Peru and Ecuador. May contain some Passovia
species. Link goes to Flora
of the World.
- Phthirusa sp. 1
- Aerial roots. Los Amigos
Conservation Area, Rio Los Amigos, Madre de Dios, Peru. J.P. Janovec
No. 2721. Photo by John Janovec.
- Phthirusa sp. 2
- Plicosepalus acaciae
- Habit of the mistletoe on
the host (Acacia). Negev desert, Israel. Photo by Thomas
- Epicortical roots
exploring the host. Negev desert, Israel. Photo by Thomas Rödl.
- Woodrose. Negev desert,
Israel. Photo by Thomas Rödl.
- Flower and fruits.
Negev desert, Israel. Photo by Thomas Rödl.
- Flower close-up.
Israel. Photo 30 Aug. 2007 by Ori Fragman Sapir, from the
TrekNature web site.
- Close-up of flowers.
Sudan. Photo by L. J. Musselman.
- Closer view of the fruiting
mistletoe. Negev desert, Israel. Photo by Thomas Rödl.
- Seedlings with
holdfasts attaching to host. Negev desert, Israel. Photo by Thomas
- Flowering shoots, photos 1
and 2. Takaze
River, Simien Mountains, Ethiopia. Photos 2006 by Gerhard
- Plicosepalus amplexicaulis
- Flowering shoot.
Between Balule and Olifants in the Kruger National Park, South
Africa. Photo by Del Wiens, Oct. 1972.
- Plicosepalus curviflorus
- Plicosepalus meridianus
- Photo.
Serengeti. Photo by David Bygott. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Plicosepalus sagittifolius
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Plicosepalus undulatus
- Psittacanthus acinarius
- Flowering shoot.
Parasitic on Tacaranda
and Campsiandra comoso.
Distrito Pedro Camejo; 11 km directly (in a straight line) east of
Paso de San Pablo and ca. 2 km ENE of Fundo Picachón. Apure,
Venezuela. Gerrit Davidse & Angel C. González no. 12858. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowering branch.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Photo (as P.
corynocephalus) used with permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Inflorescence.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Photo (as P.
corynocephalus) used with permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Fruits.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Photo (as P.
corynocephalus) used with permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Photos
(as P. corynocephalus) of
flowers and vegetative parts from Charcos, Puntarenas, Costa
Rica by Reinaldo Aguilar. Link
to Flickr.
- Photos.
Rodolfo Vásquez - 34560, Peru. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Seedlings with many cotyledons and plant in fruit. Peru. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Psittacanthus angustifolius
- Photos.
Honduras. Photos by R. Mathiasen. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus auriculatus
- Habit of the
mistletoe and closer view of flowering
shoots. S of Miahuatlan, Sierra Madre del Sur, Oaxaca,
Mexico. Photos 28 Aug 2001 by Mark Egger.
- Psittacanthus biternatus
- Habit of mistletoe
in flower and seedling
attached to host branch. Alter do Chão, city of Santarem, Pará,
Brazil. Photos by Rodrigo F. Fadini.
- Psittacanthus brasiliensis
- Figure 16 from Reif (2007, as P.
flavo-viridis). A – aspect of the flowering branch (bar = 5
cm); B – detail of the triad (bar = 2 cm). English translation
of the thesis available HERE.
- Psittacanthus calyculatus
- One view and another
of the mistletoe in the host tree, as well as the plant
buds in hand. Oaxaca, very close to the Chiapas border on
Mexico 190. Photos August 2008 by Christopher Randle..
- Flowering
shoots. Patzcuaro, Mexico. W. H. Hodge. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Habit
of mistletoe in host tree and close-up of flower.
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Photos by David Tarrant.
Featured as the "Botany
of the Day" from the Univ. British Columbia Botanical
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Photos.
Oaxaca. Dep. Cuicatlan, Mexico. Photos 10 Sept.
2008 by C. Davidson.
Link goes to Flora of the
- Psittacanthus cinctus
- Photos.
It's not clear these are this species. The corolla is supposed to be
hairy and all of these seem smooth (glabrous). Link
goes to Flickr.
- Psittacanthus cordatus
- Flowering shoots
and close-up of flower.
The falcate leaves with clasping bases and rounded
apices, palmate venation, glabrous stems, and triads in a terminal
inflorescence all indicate it is this species. Pantanal region, Mato
Grosso do Sur, Brazil. Photo 12 July 2009 by Amanda Boaretto
from her Flickr site HERE.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Psittacanthus crassicostatus
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus cucullaris
- Psittacanthus dentatus
- Photos.
to Plants of the World online at Kew.
- Psittacanthus dichrous
- Figure 15 from Reif (2007). A –
general aspect of an individual (bar = 5 cm); B – detail of the
inflorescence (bar = 2 cm); C - fruits (bar = 1.5 cm). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photos
Link goes to Flickr.
- Psittacanthus divaricatus
- Psittacanthus
- Flower, fruits, and
attached to host branch. Alter do Chão, city of Santarem,
Pará, Brazil. Photos by Rodrigo F. Fadini.
- Psittacanthus gigas
- Flowering
plant with HUGE leaves! Colombia. Photo by A. Gentry (no.
59633). Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowering
plant, Colombia. Check out the size of the mistletoe leaves!
Photo by A. Gentry (no. 48280). Link goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus krameri
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus hamulifer
- Psittacanthus lamprophyllus
- Plant with flowers.
Perú. From the Live
Plant Photos website at the Field Museum. Photo ID 28837.
Photo by Robin Foster.
- Photos.
Pasco, Oxapampa, Peru. Photos 12 Oct 2006 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
series of good photos of the flowering plant. Note the
variations in leaves and flowers when compared to the other photos
shown above. This situation is discussed by Kuijt (2009, pp.
193-194). March 13, 2010. Brazil. Photos by André Cardoso. Link
to Flickr.
- Psittacanthus martinicensis
- Psittacanthus mayanus
- Flowering shoots. Edo. de
Chiapas near Mt. Ovando, Mexico. Photo by Dennis Stevenon December,
- Psittacanthus minor
- Photos Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus nodosissimus
- Flowering
shoots and closer
view of flowers. Note the whorled leaves and the
inflorescences of 4 triads arising from corky, swollen nodes. Alter
do Chão, city of Santarem, Pará, Brazil. Photos by Rodrigo F.
- Psittacanthus nudus
- Flower, infructescence,
and fruit. Ca. 18 km S
of Zamorano on road to Salalica, Francisco Morazán, San Antonio de
Oriente, Honduras. J.L. Linares, Eydi Yanina Guerrero &
Vladlen Henríquez no. 13530. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photo.
Habit of this leafless mistletoe on Bursera,
Juchitan Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Photo by Dave Lorence.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Psittacanthus oblongifolius
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus palmeri
- Inflorescence of
flower buds. Parasitic on Bursera fagaroides. Rosa
Amarillo, Jalisco, Mexico. Photo by Mihai Costea.
- Open flower, face view.
Parasitic on Bursera fagaroides. Rosa Amarillo, Jalisco,
Mexico. Photo by Mihai Costea. As stated by Kuijt (2009): "Psittacanthus
palmeri, arguably the most remarkable species in the genus,
exhibits several unique morphological features." Vegetatively, its
stems resemble those of its host (Bursera) and occur as
long and short shoots. It may flower in the leafless state (not the
case on these photos); a seasonally deciduous nature remains to be
- Leafy shoot
and removed flower.
Parasitic on Bursera
schlechtendalii. Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Nenton.
Mario Véliz & P. Vélasquez no. MV 17868. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus panamensis (is it this species?)
- Flowering
shoot and inflorescence.
Ridge Australian of Campamiento Luchio, Panama
(Bocas del Toro). Alex K. Monro & Steve Cafferty no. 4483.
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus pascoensis
- Flowers.
Road Quebrada-Alto Lacco, Cusco, Calca, Peru. H. van
der Werff, L. Valenzuela, E. Suclli & A. Carazas no. 21158.
Link goes to TROPICOS database
at MO.
- Psittacanthus peculiaris
- Flowering
shoot and closer view of flowers.
Peru. Photos 23419 and 23420a by Heike Betz. Link
goes to the Live Plant Photos from the Field Museum of Natural
History, Chicago DEAD.
- Psittacanthus peronopetalus
- Flowering branch.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with
permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Inflorescence.
Projeto Flora da Reserva Ducke DFID/INPAR, Brazil. Used with
permission from Mike Hopkins.
- Photos.
A series of excellent photos of the mistletoe. Link
goes to Flore de Guyane.
- Psittacanthus pinicola
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Psittacanthus plagiophyllus
- Habit of
mistletoe in flower, fruits
and seed
being removed from fruit. Alter do Chão, city of Santarem,
Pará, Brazil. Photos by Rodrigo F. Fadini.
- Photos.
Excellent photos of the mistletoe. Link goes
to Flore de Guyane.
- Psittacanthus ramiflorus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering shoots.
Parasitic on Quercus. Below La Capilla del Texte, Hwy. 40, W
Sierra Madre de Occidental, Sinaloa, Mexico. Photo 5 Sep 1997 by
Mark Egger.
- Habit of
plant in flower and close-up
of immature inflorescence. Caribbean slopes of Cerro Fábrega at foot
of 'Falso Fábrega' in Palo Seco Reserve, Panama (Bocas del Toro).
Alex K. Monro & Steve Cafferty no. 4936.
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowering shoot.
Alrededores De Cerro Jefe, Panama. Photo referer no. 15012 by
Carmen Galdames from the STRI
- Mistletoe in
flower and closer view of flowers.
Valle De Anton, Panama. Photo reference nos. 25197 and
25198 by Andrés Hernández, from the STRI
- Psittacanthus rhynchanthus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Infructescence.
9.9 km N of Las Sabanas on road to Somoto, Madriz,
Nicaragua. W.D. Stevens & O.M. Montiel
J. no. 26932. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Close-up
showing stamens. Parasitic on Bursera
simaruba. Along road to San Marcos from Jinotega to San
Rafael del Norte highway, 2 km from highway, Jinotega,
Nicaragua. W.D. Stevens & O.M. Montiel
J. no. 27752.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowers
and fruits.
Parasitic on Gliricidia
sepium. Along road to Cuapanear entrance to road
to Piedra de Cuapa, Chontales, Nicaragua. W.D.
Stevens & O.M. Montiel J. no. 27475. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Link goes
to Flickr.
- Psittacanthus robustus
- Tree
parasite and close-up
inflorescences. Venezuela. Photo by A. Gentry (no. 14522). Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Figure
18 from Reif (2007). A - individual (arrow) on
Vochysia oppugnata. (bar =
2m); B – detail of the inflorescence (bar = 10 cm). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Mistletoe on host,
flower and flower
close-up showing coiled petals. Bahia, Brazil.
Photos by Alex Popovkin (see his Flickr site HERE).
- Photos.
Click forward arrow below image to see more photos. D.
Sasaki et al. 2132 - Brazil: Mato Grosso. Link
to the Plants of the World Online website at Kew.
- Photos.
Link goes Flickr.
- Psittacanthus schiedeanus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Your PPC author holding Psittacanthus
schiedeanus which is parasitic on Drimys winteri.
Volcan Barva, Costa Rica. Photo by S. -C. Hsiao.
- Flowering
shoot and flowers.
Ridge Australian of Campamiento Luchio, Bocas del Toro,
Panama. Alex K. Monro & Evelio Alfaro no. 4496. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowering
shoot and flowers.
PILA. Point 9, ridge above camp, Changuinola, Bocas del
Toro, Panama. Alex K. Monro, Dilia Santamaria & J.
Lezcano no. 6037. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Habit of plant. Irazú,
Costa Rica. Feb. 1966. Photo by Job Kuijt.
- Psittacanthus sonorae
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Photo
of the mistletoe in flower. From the Center for Sonoran
Desert Studies web page, Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum HERE.
- Psittacanthus ternatus (sp. nov. Kuijt)
- Flowering shoots.
Perú. Note the cluster of three large leaves at the stem
terminus. This species is similar to Aetanthus triphyllus
that has leaves arranged in this manner. From the Live
Plant Photos website at the Field Museum. Photo ID 15731.
Photo by Robin Foster.
- Psittacanthus truncatus
- Flowering shoot.
Ecuador. Photo by D. Wiens, March 1965.
- Flowers,
Colombia. Photo by A. Gentry (no. 24445). Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowers,
Ecuador. Photo by A. Gentry (no. 30886). Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Psittacanthus zonatus
- Flowering shoots
with large leaves. Ecuador. Photo by Dennis Stevenson January 1988.
- Photos.
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Psittacanthus sp.
- Figure 16 from Reif (2007). C –
detail of insertion (arrow) on host (bar = 2 cm); D – detail of
flowers and fruits (bar = 2.5 cm); E – detail of the inflorescence
with triads (bar = 1 cm); F – isolated tepals showing point of
attachment of the filament at arrow (bar = 1 cm). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
This species was identified in Reif (2007) as P.
pluricotyledonarius, but this specimen does not match in
several features, including bud shape and flower color.
- Psittacanthus sp.
- Mistletoe forming a large
infection on a tree in Veracruz, Mexico. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Psittacanthus sp.
- Photos.
Plants in flower and fruit. Peru. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Psittacanthus sp.
- View of forest with
numerous trees infected with Psittacanthus. Costa Rica, San
Jose Prov., Dist. Dota, San Geraldo, on road to Savaegre Hotel.
Photo by Mauricio Bonaficino, June 20, 2004.
Pusillanthus - no
photos of living plant
- Pusillanthus pubescens
- Illustration.
From Kuijt (2008, Novon 18: 370-373); originally as P.
trichodes. a) habit, b) inflorescence subtending leaf
and fruit, c) mature bud and dissected flower, d) petal and
subtended stamen, e) haustorial saddle of mature flowering plant.
Scale bar a) 1 cm, rest 1 mm.
- Scurrula
- Photos.
Link goes
to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Plant
Photo Bank of China.
- Scurrula buddlejoides
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Scurrula chingii
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Photos of var. yunnanensis.
Link goes to Plant Photo Bank
of China.
- Scurrula cordifolia
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Flowering shoots and flowers. Sirmaur Dist., Himachal Pradesh,
India. Photo by Krishan Lal. Link goes to
Flowers of India.
- Scurrula elata
- Flowers and young fruits.
Central Nepal, 2000 m elevation. Photo by Mohan Devkota May 1998.
- Habit of mistletoe
parasitic on Rhododendron arboreum. Nepal. Photo by Gerhard
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Flowering shoots. Sirmaur Dist., Himachal Pradesh &
Uttarakhand, India. Photos by Thingnam Girija. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Scurrula ferruginea
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos. Link
goes to Biological Diversity Clearing House Mechanism.
- Photos
and descriptions. A nicely done blog entitled "Mistletoes of
Singapore". Link goes to tHE
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Scurrula liquidambaricola
- Scurrula notothixoides
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Scurrula paramjitii
- Photos
and illustration. A recently named species from the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands, India. Link
goes to ResearchGate.
- Scurrula parasitica
- Scurrula pulverulenta
- Scurrula ritozanensis
- Scurrula sp.
- Photos.
Doi Chiang Dao Wildlife Sanctuary, Chiang-Mai Prov., Thailand.
Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
Septulina -
for more photos, see Polhill & Wiens (1998) p. 223-224.
- Septulina glauca
- Photos.
South Africa. Link goes to
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Socratina bemarivensis
- Photos
Ambilobe, Ambakirano, Behefaka, Anjahana, forêt d'Ampivanana, 9 km
au Sud de Behefaka, Antsiranana, Madagascar. Fidy Ratovoson et
al. no. 21015. Link goes to TROPICOS
database at MO.
- Socratina keraudreniana
- Flowering plant. Along
the road between Inanavy and Tongobory southwest of Toliara/Tulear,
Madagascar. Photo by Sonny Larsson, February 2006.
- Black and white photo from
S. Balle (1964) Les Loranthacées de Madagascar et des archipels
voisins. Adansonia (nov. ser. Tome IV, Fascicule 1) 4:105-141. Showing
clear elongated vents in the middle of the flowers.
- Photo. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Sogerianthe cupuliformis
- Photos.
New Guinea. Photos by Shelly James. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Sogerianthe sessiliflora
- Photos.
Papua New Guinea. Photos by D. L. Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Sogerianthe sogerensis
- Photos.
Papua New Guinea. Photos by D. L. Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Spragueanella rhamnifolia
- Struthanthus acuminatus
- Photos. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus cassythoides
- Photos.
Plant in flower and fruit. Documenting biodiversity of the
Helen Moyers Biocultural Reserve, Yucatan, Mexico. Photos by W. John
Hayden. Link goes to the
Flora of Kaxil Kiuic web page.
- Habit.
Belize. Photo at New York
Botanical Garden.
- Struthanthus deppeanus
- Photos. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus flexicaulis
- Photos.
Pernambuco, Brazil. Photos by Jörn Germer. Link
goes to VIRBOGA the Virtual Botanic Garden.
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Struthanthus interruptus
- Photos.
Mexico. Photos by D. L. Nickrent. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Struthanthus maricensis
- Figure 27 from Reif (2007). A –
aspect of the fruiting branch (bar = 2 cm); B – detail of the
infructescence (bar = 1 cm). English translation of the
thesis available HERE.
- Struthanthus martianus [previously S. vulgaris]
- Photos.
From Flora de Sao Bento do Sul page, Brazil. Link
goes to FloraSBS web page.
- Figure 27 from Reif (2007). G –
branch with female flowers (bar = 2.5 cm); H – branch with immature
fruits (bar = 3 cm). English translation of the thesis
available HERE.
- Struthanthus orbicularis
- Photos. Link
to PhytoImages.
- Plant with inflorescences
and fruits. Perú. From the Live
Plant Photos website at the Field Museum. Photo ID 16793 (as Phthirusa
sp., possibly Struthanthus orbicularis). Photo by Robin
- Habit of
twining mistletoe and inflorescence.
Hacienda Veracruz, upriver from ford of Río Pirre, S to SE of
Cerro La Batea, Chontales, Nicaragua. W.D. Stevens, I.
Coronado G. & O.M. Montiel J. no. 26793. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Flowering
shoot and close-up of flowers.
Guayaquil De Santiago , Veraguas Prov., Panama.
Photo referer nos. 29975 and 29976 by Andrés
Hernández from the STRI
- Photo.
Plant in fruit. J. Nascimento 22 - Brazil: Mato Grosso. Link
goes to the Plants of the World Online website at Kew.
- Struthanthus palmeri
- Struthanthus cf. polyanthus
- Photo.
D. Zappi et al. 1092 - Brazil: Mato Grosso. Link
goes to Plants of
the World Online website at Kew.
- Struthanthus polyrhizus
- A
series of photographs of this mistetoe from Brazil by Luiz
Menini Neto. Link
goes to the Live Plant Photos from the Field Museum of
Natural History, Chicago DEAD.
- Photo.
Milliken, W. 4314 - Brazil: Minas Gerais. Link
goes to the Plants of the World Online website at Kew.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flora de
Santa Catarina web page.
- Photo.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Struthanthus quercicola
- Struthanthus staphylinus
- Figure 27 from Reif (2007). E –
detail of the young “hamato-curvadas” leaves (bar = 1.0 cm); F –
detail of the adult leaves with auriculate base and inflorescence
(bar = 1.5 cm). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Struthanthus tacanensis
- Struthanthus uraguensis
- Figure 27 from Reif (2007). D -
aspect of a flowering branch (bar = 3 cm). English translation
of the thesis available HERE.
- Photos.
From Flora de Sao Bento do Sul page, Brazil. Link
goes to FloraSBS web page.
- Struthanthus woodsonii
- Photos.
Costa Rica. Link goes to PhytoImages.
- A
series of digital photos showing various parts of the plant
(leaves, inflorescences, haustorial connections, etc.) Link
goes to La Flora Digital de La Selva.
- Struthanthus sp. 1
- Seedlings growing
on Trigona villosa, with cotyledons still partially
enveloped by the fruit wall. Saül, French Guiana. Photo by Carol
- Struthanthus sp. 2
- Struthanthus sp. 3
- Plant with
inflorescence. Caribbean slopes of Cerro Fábrega at foot
of 'Falso Fábrega' in Palo Seco Reserve, Panama (Bocas del Toro).
Alex K. Monro & Steve Cafferty 4886. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 4
- Flowering shoot
and flowers
close-up. W from Cerro Fábrega into the Valle del Silencio,
Bocas del Toro, Panama. Alex K. Monro & S. Knapp no. 5287.
Link goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 5
- Photos.
Costa Rica, Puntarenas. Alex K. Monro 6982. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 6
- Photos.
Costa Rica, Limón. Alex K. Monro 7229. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 7
- Shoot with flowers
and closer view of inflorescence.
Parque Internacional La Amistad, camp 3, Limon, Costa Rica. S.
Knapp & Alex K. Monro no. 9910. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 8
- Shoot with flowers
and fruits and flowers
close-up. Parasitic on Zanthoxylum.
NE of camp 2, along ride leading to end of main Fábrega
ridge, Bocas del Toro, Panama. Alex K. Monro & Daniel
Santamaría no. 5611. Link goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 9
- Photos.
Panama, Bocas del Toro. Sandy Knapp & Alex K. Monro. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 10
- Photos.
Nicaragua. W. D. Stevens et al. 30039. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 11
- Photos.
Nicaragua. W. D. Stevens et al. 34263. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 12
- Photos.
Nicaragua. W. D. Stevens et al. 34650. Link
goes to
TROPICOS database at MO.
- Struthanthus sp. 13
- Struthanthus sp. 14
- Photos.
Prov. Pichincha, Ecuador. Photos 14 Feb 2005 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
Tapinanthus -
for more photos, see Polhill & Wiens (1998) p. 183-206
- Tapinanthus bangwensis
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Flowering shoots, close-up
of flowers, and fruits.
Plant parasitizing Gardenia sp. Bolgatanga Rd. near
Diare, about 20 km from Tamale, Ghana.Open woodland close the white
Volta river. From Virtual
Field Herbarium, Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford. Photo
P. Ekpe/NSBP.
- Photos. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Eastern Ghana. Photos by Philippe Hoogstoel. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Tapinanthus buchneri
- Mistletoe. Bame.
Fishing camp, 60 km S of Mayomba, Nyanga, Gabon. Walters,
Stone, Nzabi & Boumbou (No. 643). Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Tapinanthus dependens
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Tapinanthus forbesii
- Flower buds unopened. Plant
parasitizing Acacia. Namutoni, Namibia. Photo 2 March 2003
by L. J. Musselman.
- Flowers open. Plant
parasitizing Acacia. Namutoni, Namibia. Photo 2 March 2003
by L. J. Musselman.
- Tapinanthus globiferus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo.
Gambia. Photo by sharksfin. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photo.
As T. voltensis (a
synonym). West Africa. Photo by Raiwen. Link goes to
- Tapinanthus kraussianus
- Photos.
Lake Sibaya Lodge, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Photos 1 Oct. 2003
by C. Davidson. Link goes to
Flora of the World.
- Tapinanthus ogowensis
- Photos.
E side of Serra do Pingano mountains, Uíge Province, Angola.
Photos by Thea Lautenschläger. Link goes to
- Photos.
Gabon. Link goes to TROPICOS.
- Tapinanthus oleifolius
- Photos.
Namibia. Photos by Carlos Reif. Link goes to
- Flowers. Windhoek, Namibia.
Photo 24 Dec. 2002 by Lytton J. Musselman.
- Flowers. Katombora
Islands, Zimbabwe. Photo by Bart Wursten. From the Flora
of Zimbabwe web pages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Tapinanthus quequensis
- Photos.
Masvingo, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Photos by Bart Wursten and
Warren McCleland. Link goes
to Flickr.
- Tapinanthus rubromarginatus
- Photos. Near
Walter Sisulu Botanical Garden, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Photos by Craig Gibbon. Link
goes to Flickr
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Tapinanthus sp.
- Photos.
Plants in flower. Gabon. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Tapinanthus sp.
- Flowers. Bot. Gard.
Witwatersrand, S. Africa. Photo by L. J. Musselman, Sept. 1999.
- Taxillus chinensis
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages
- Flower and Fruits.
Hong Kong. Photos by Shek-Shing Ma.
- Photos
and descriptions. A nicely done blog entitled "Mistletoes of
Singapore". Link goes to tHE
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus caloreas
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Photos of var. fargesii.
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus cuneatus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
goes to efloraofindia.
- Taxillus delavayi
- Habit and flower
close-up. China, Yunnan, Jian Chuan. Photo by G. Yatskievych
(Turland no. 952). Link go to TROPICOS
database at MO.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Plant in flower. China. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus heyneanus
- Photos.
Link goes to efloraofindia.
- Taxillus incanus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Taxillus kaempferi
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus levinei
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus limprichtii
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus liquidambaricolus
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Photos
of var. neriifolius. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus lonicerifolius
- Taxillus matsudai
- Taxillus nigrans
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus pseudochinensis
- Taxillus recurvus
- Photos.
Link goes to efloraofindia.
- Taxillus renii
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus rhododendricola
- Taxillus sclerophyllus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Taxillus sericus
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus sutchuenensis
- Series of
photos. Hainan, China by Jin-Wen Chi. Link
goes to PlantPhotoBank.cn.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to Plant
Photo Bank of China.
- Photos of var. duclouxii.
Link goes to Plant Photo Bank
of China.
- Taxillus thibetensis
- Photos.
Link goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Taxillus tomentosus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Flowering shoots and flowers. Near Castlerock, Karnataka, India.
Photos by Dinesh Valke. Link goes to Flowers
of India.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to efloraofindia.
- Taxillus tsaii
- Taxillus umbellifer
- Photos.
Link goes to efloraofindia.
- Taxillus vestitus
- Photos.
Link goes to efloraofindia.
- Taxillus wiensii
- Photo. Known only from
the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest on the coast of Kenya. Photo by Stirton,
in Mistletoes of Africa (Polhill and Wiens 1998). Whether this was a
member of Taxillus or not was questioned by Polhill and Wiens
(1998), mainly because these flowers, with their non-reflexing
lobes, seem less specialized than Asian species.
- Taxillus yadoriki
- Close-up of flowers. As
Scurrula. Motobu-chyou,
Okinawa, Japan. Photograph by Ikehara Naoki, published in "World of
Plants" article by Mitsuru Hirota (Weekly Asahihyakka, Jan. 22,
- no photos of living plant
- Thaumasianthes amplifolia
- Tolypanthus esquirolii
- Photos. Link
goes to Plant Photo Bank of China.
- Tolypanthus gardneri
- Photos.
Sri Lanka. Photos by Gerhard Glatzel. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Tolypanthus lagenifer
- Inflorescence
showing cup-like, connate bracts below the flowers. Ghats, India.
Photograph by S. R. Yadav, published in "World of Plants" article by
Mitsuru Hirota (Weekly Asahihyakka, Jan. 22, 1995).
- Photo.
Ahupe ghat, Murbad, Maharashtra, India. Photo by Prashant
Awale. Link goes to
Flowers of India.
- Flowering
shoot. Maharashtra, Western Ghats, India.
Photo by indannature sn. Link
to Flickr.
- Flowers.
Maharashtra, Western Ghats, India. Photo by Jayesh
Pail. Link goes to Flickr.
- Tolypanthus maclurei
- Tolypanthus pustulatus
- Inflorescence
showing the large involucral bracts and candy-cane striped flowers.
Phu Wua Wildlife Sanctuary, Nongkhai, Australianeastern
Thailand. Photo by R. Pooma.
[extinct] - no photos of living
- Trilepidea adamsii
- Tripodanthus acutifolius
- Photos.
Peru. Photos by Romina Vidal-Russell. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Figure 34 from
C. Reif (2007). A. Habit of the plant growing as an amphiphagous
parasite (bar = 3 cm). B. Closer view of the mistletoe stem
and epicortical roots growing downward into the soil at the base of
the host tree (bar = 2 cm). C. Close-up of the flowers (bar =
1 cm). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Tripodanthus belmirensis
- Tripodanthus flagellaris
- Photos.
Cordoba, Argentina. Photos by Malcolm Dunn. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Tristerix aphyllus
- Click HERE to go to a page
showing many photos depicting its life history.
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Tristerix chodatianus
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Tristerix corymbosus
- Flowering shoots.
Puyehue, Chile. 28 April 1979. Photo by Job Kuijt.
- Mistletoe parasitic on Colletia
spinosissima (Rhamnaceae), hills in coastal range
Australianwest of Santiago, Chile. Photo by John W. Reynolds.
- Plant with ripe green fruit,
from Llao Llao forest, Bariloche, Argentina. Photo by G. Amico.
- Plant with
Guillermo Amico. Osorno, Chile. Photo by Romina Vidal Russell.
- Plant parasitizing a liana
(Cissus striata) with Romina Vidal Russell. Osorno, Chile.
Photo by G. Amico.
- Interconnected seeds as
they appear following dispersal by Dromiciops australis.
Llao Llao forest, Bariloche, Argentina. Photo by Romina Vidal
- Flowering shoots covered with
snow!. Llao Llao forest, Bariloche, Argentina. Photo by G.
- Flowers with snow and ice.
Llao Llao forest, Bariloche, Argentina. Photo by G. Amico.
- Flowers being
pollinated by hummingbird. Bariloche, Argentina. Photographer
- A loranth look-alike! The flowers of this member of Proteaceae, Embothrium
coccineum, are pollinated by the same hummingbirds as Tristerix
corymbosus. No wonder the plants are often confused by humans!
Photo by G. Glatzel.
- Population showing
yellow and red-flowered plants and close-up
of yellow form. Isla Victoria, Bariloche, Río Negro
Argentina. Photo by Martín Nuñez.
- Seed being defecated by Dromiciops
australis (Chilean opossum, monito del monte) onto Maytenus
boaria. Llao Llao forest, Bariloche, Argentina. Photo by
Romina Vidal Russel.
- Plant showing mature
green fruits that are dispersed by the marsupial Dromiciops
australis. Osorno, Chile. February 2003. Photo by G. Amico.
- Plant showing mature yellow
fruits that are dispersed by the birds. Fray Jorge National
Forest. January 2003. Photo by G. Amico.
- Seedlings of a
possible T. corymbosus X T.
aphyllus hybrid. For most most members of the genus,
the cotyledons are fused at their tips inside the seed but
their petioles are free outside the seed. This is true for most of
the seedlings shown, except for the one in the middle where the
petioles are fused, as is seen in T.
aphyllus. Is this demonstrating segregation for this
trait? Photo by Wilfredo Gonzáles Lozada.
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
O'Higgins, Cardenal Caro region, Chile. Photos by C.
Davidson. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Tristerix divaricatus
- Illustration.
From Kuijt (2014, Novon 23). Link to
pdf file goes to BioOne.
- Tristerix longebracteatus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Napo Region, Ecuador. Photos by C. Davidson.
Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Tristerix penduliflorus
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Lesbia nuna,
a hummingbird that serves as a pollinator of T. penduliflorus.
Photo by R. Vidal-Russell.
- Plant with red-purplish flowers
and fruits (compare with next photo). Note the pendulous
flowers, unique within the genus Tristerix. 5 km W of Maras,
Peru (3400 m above sea level). Photo Aug. 12, 2002 by Marco Bleeker.
See his EcoCam web site
for photos of other Andean South American plants.
- A
red flowered form of this species. Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo.
Voucher (5144) and photo by James C. Solomon. Link
to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Tristerix peruvianus
- Tristerix pubescens
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Tristerix rhodanthus
- Shoot with flowers
and closer-view.
Parasitic on Brachyotum,
Parque Nacional Madidi, Bolivia. Photo June 24 2005 by A. Fuentes et
al. (no. 8670). Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Tristerix verticillatus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Biobio region, Chile. Photos by C. Davidson.
Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Link goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
(including Kingella)
- Trithecanthera sparsa
- Photo.
Yellow flowered form with Spiderhunter bird (Arachnothera).
Photo by Nagamasu from the "Floral Evolution" page of "Exploring
World of Mistletoes", Australian National Botanic Gardens.
- Type
specimen - isotype 2321297 Voucher: CHAI 34045. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Trithecanthera xiphostachys
- Tupeia antarctica
- Series
excellent photos of a plant being grown in the University of
Canterbury New Zealand glasshouse. Photos by Pieter Pelser.
Link goes to
- Flowering shoot. New
Zealand. Photograph by Brian Molloy.
- First plate of four images
from the New Zealand
Plant Conservation Network. A. habit of the mistletoe with
male flowers (Peter de Lange); B. fruiting plant (Gillian
Crowcroft); C. close-up view of shoots showing flowers and fruits,
Taupo (John Smith-Dodsworth); D. shoot with fruits (Chris Ekroyd).
- Second plate of four images
from the New Zealand
Plant Conservation Network. A. a heavily infected host tree in
Peel Forest (Peter de Lange); B. habit of the mistletoe, Taupo (John
Smith-Dodsworth); C. mistletoe in flower (Cathy Jones); D. closer
view of flowering shoots (Cathy Jones).
- Fruiting plant.
New Zealand. Photo by D. Wiens, Feb. 1973.
- Painting.
Link goes to Delta website.
- for more photos, see Polhill
& Wiens (1998) p. 221-222.
- Vanwykia remota
Woodroses from loranths
- The haustoria of Loranthaceae often produce characteristic attachments
to their host branches. The haustorium of the parasite induces the
formation of a placenta-like expansion of the host wood. When the
soft parts of the haustorium are removed, the flared woodrose remains.
- Woodroses. These are what the
haustorial connections look like when simply removed and
dried. Clockwise from top left: Dendrophthoe curvata
[DLN 2787], Amyema villiflorum [DLN 2799], Dendrophthoe
curvata [DLN S.N.], and Erianthemum sp.
- Woodroses are often made into art objects in many parts of the
neo- and paleotropics. Here are some examples:
- Carving of a lizard from SE
- Carving of a lizard with an
umbrella, also made from a woodrose. These woodroses are
produced on the island of Bali where host trees (Melia,
chinaberry) are puposely infected with mistletoe seeds to begin the
infection. There are many commercial web sites selling these art
objects that go by other names such as wood rose, mistletoe wood,
parasite wood, or Baliwood (!).
- Photo from Kuijt (1969,
figure 7-12a) showing a carved head from Mexico with three
woodroses, possibly from a Psittacanthus
Dicaeum hirundinaceum - the
mistletoe bird!
- The bird on Dendrophthoe,
Australia. Note the mistletoe seed attached to the perch. Photo from
David Attenborough's book "The Private Life of Plants."
- digestive cannal and crop (left)
that is highly adapted for mistletoe seeds. The tongue (right) is curled
inward, an adaptation to feeding on the nectar from mistletoe flowers.
Photos from Kuijt (1969).
These pages have been assembled from available literature and photographs
for loranths of that region.
A detailed molecular phylogeny of genera within the family has been
published in American Journal of Botany (Vidal-Russell and Nickrent 2008)
and can be viewed HERE.
A study that examined the timing of evolution of aerial parasites
(including Loranthaceae) was published in Molecular Phylogenetics and
Evolution (Vidal-Russell and Nickrent 2008) and can be viewed HERE.
A molecular phylogeny of the entire order Santalales, with good sampling
of Loranthaceae, was published in Taxon (Su et al. 2015) and can be viewed
A biogeographic study of the family was published by Liu et al. (2018)
and it can be viewed HERE.
Last updated: 28-Mar-22 / dln