Olacaceae R. Br., emend.
Distribution Map

Dulacia (this
genus might be included in Olax)
- Dulacia candida
- Photo1.
Mato Grosso, Brazil. Link goes to
Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- A
series of photos from the Neotropical
Plant Photos from the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.
- Fruiting
shoot. Peru. A. Gentry (26200). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Herbarium specimen, Missouri
Botanical Gardens (MO). Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Dulacia macrophylla
- Dulacia sp.
- Photos.
Fruiting specimen. Dist. Nauta, Loreto, Peru. Photos by
C. Davidson. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Olax acuminata
- Photo. Trishna Wildlife
Sanctuary, NE India. Photo from Majumdar & Datta (2014,
Checklist 10(5):976-996).
- Olax angulata
- Photos
and distribution map. Link goes to Atlas of
Living Australia.
- Olax angustifolia
- Photos.
Gabon. Link goes
- Olax antsiranensis
- Series
of photos showing habit and fruiting shoots.
Antsiranana, Madagascar. Photos by Z. S. Rogers (Rogers
1150). Link goes
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Olax aphylla
- Habit of this leafless species.
Queensland, Australia. [DLN 2810] Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Habitat of Olax aphylla,
Queensland, Australia. [DLN 2810]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Olax aurantia
- Photos
and description. Link goes to FloraBase the
Western Australian Flora.
- Olax austrosinensis
- Photo of
plant in fruit. China. Photo by Liu Yan. Link
goes to PlantPhotoBank.cn.
- Olax benthamiana
- Photos
and description. Link goes to FloraBase the
Western Australian Flora.
- Photos.
Link goes to Esperance Wildflowers.
- Olax capuronii
- Series of photos
showing habit and fruiting shoots. Antsiranana, Madagascar.
Photos by Z. S. Rogers (Rogers 1095). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Olax dissitiflora
- Photos.
Link goes
- Flowers and fruits and
another with flowers.
Mayotte, Mascareignes. Photos by F. Barthelat (nos. 267 &
1140). From JSTOR
Plant Science.
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos
and distribution map. Link goes to Conservatoire et
Jardin Botaniques Ville de Geneve.
- Photo.
Plant in flower and fruit, description, map. Link goes
to Swaziland's Flora Database.
- Photo.
Link goes to Flora of Mozambique.
- Photo
of illustration (as O. androensis) by M. Keraudren
Flore de Madagascar et des Comores (1936-2012).
- Olax emirnensis
- Fruiting shoot and
close-up of flower. Madagascar. Photo by
George Schatz (No. 3620). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photo
of drawing by M. Keraudren Flore de Madagascar et des Comores
- Olax gambecola
- Photos.
Estuaire Province, Gabon. Photos 13 Apr 2006 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Gabon and Guinea. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
goes to West African Plants.
- Photo
of Illustration (as O. poggei) in Engler &
Drude,Vegetation der Erde (1896-1928).
- Olax hypoleuca
- Photos of
variety hypoleuca. A
series of photos and descriptions (in French). For a Google
translation of the page to English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- A description
and map of variety microphylla
(in French). For a Google translation of the page to
English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- Olax imbricata
- A
series of photos of this species. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photo.
Fruiting shoot. India. Photo by Pankaj Oudhia. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Photos
and description. Link
goes to efloraofindia.
- Photos.
Branches with flowers and fruits. Link goes to
- Olax lanceolata
- Photo of an illustration
from Rogers et al. (2006, Adansonia 28:71-100).
- Olax latifolia
- Photo
of plant in fruit. Link goes
to Vascular Plants of Korup National Park in Cameroon.
- Olax madagascariensis
- Photos showing
flowers and fruits. Madagascar. Photos by Porter P.
Lowry II. Link goes
- Photos
as O. humbertii. Link
goes to Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques Ville de Geneve.
- Olax mannii
- Photos. From
Gabon and Liberia. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Olax mayottensis
- Photos.
Comoros Islands. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Olax nana
- Photos
and description. Link goes
to efloraofindia.
- Photo
of an illustration by S. Hameed (Pakistan). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Olax obcordata
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr and South Australian Seed
Conservation Centre.
- Olax obtusifolia
- Photos
of plant in flower. Link
goes to African Plants: A Photo
- Photos.
Link goes to Copper Flora.
- Photo.
Link goes to Flora of Mozambique.
- Olax pendula
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Olax pentandra
- Photo of an
herbarium specimen (Schlieben 5305) from Tanzania. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Olax phyllanthi
- Habit.
Link goes to Australian National Botanic
Garden Photo Collection.
- Habit,
stem, leaves, flower. Link goes to
Australian National Botanic Garden Photo Collection.
- Photos
and description. Link goes to FloraBase the
Western Australian Flora.
- Olax psittacorum
- Photos.
Along Kumta-Sirsi Road, Karnataka, India. Photos by Dinesh Valke. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Photo
and other data. Link goes to PROTA.
- Olax retusa
- Photos.
From the Wallum heathland in SE Queensland. Link
goes to Queensland Plants.
- Olax scalariformis
- Photo
of an herbarium specimen, distribution map and other clearly
displayed metadata. Link goes to Atlas of
Living Australia.
- Description
and distribution map. Link goes to FloraBase
the Western Australian Flora.
- Olax scandens
- Habit of plant, flowers, fruiting
shoot, immature fruit,
and ripe fruits in hand.
From a web site called EARTH (no longer active) by Joseph Lai from
around Singapore.
- Flowering branch and close-up
of flowers. Thailand Junior Encyclopedia Project,
Kanchanapisek Network.
- Fruiting branch. Thailand.
- Close-up of fruits.
Flora of Suranaree University of Technology (SUT), Nakhon Ratchasima
30000, Thailand.
- Habit of plant, flowering
shoots and fruits.
Thailand, Petchaburi province, Ban Nong Chumpon, Khao Yoi (Williams
1230). Photos by Kyle Williams.
- Photos
and description. Link
goes to efloraofindia.
- Olax spartea
- Photos
and distribution map. Link goes to FloraBase
the Western Australian Flora.
- Olax staudtii
- Photos from
Gabon. Link goes
- Olax stricta
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian National Botanic
Garden Photo Collection.
- Olax subscorpioidea
- Photos.
Akwiapim, Eastern Region, Ghana. Photos 11 Dec. 2003 by C. Davidson.
Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes
- Photos.
goes to West African Plants.
- Olax thouarsii
- Photos of
living plants and herbarium specimens from Madagascar. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo
of drawing (as O. glabriflora) by M. Keraudren Flore
de Madagascar et des Comores (1936-2012).
- Olax triplinervia
- Photos of
plants from Gabon. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo
of plant in fruit. Link goes
to Vascular Plants of Korup National Park in Cameroon.
- Olax wightiana
- Photos.
goes to Digital Flora of Karnataka,
Indian Institute of Science.
- Olax zeylanica
- Photos.
Link goes to Plants of the World Online.
- Olax sp.
- Photos.
Cameroon. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Plant with flowers. Mt. Cameroon.
Photo by Martin Cheek (Kew) [MC no. 3523]. July 1992.
- Olax sp.
- Photos and
metadata for taxa unidentified to species from Gabon and Cameroon. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Olax sp.
- Inflorescence. Barangay
Santa Cruz, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Island, Philippines. Photo
by Leonard Co.
- Ptychopetalum olacoides (or P. uncinatum)
- Flowering shoot. Plant
extracts used in various herbal remedies - called muira
puama - as an aphrodisiac and as a tonic for the nervous,
gastrointestinal, and rheumatic problems. May contain psychoactive
- Line
drawing (also shows Chaunochiton
loranthoides). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Ptychopetalum petiolatum
- Photos
Plant in fruit. Gabon. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Herbarium
specimen. Cameroon. Link goes to New
York Botanical Garden type collection images.
- Ptychopetalum sp.
- Photos
Plant in flower. Cameroon. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
Molecular phylogenies involving Olacaceae sensu lato have been
published in the following:
- Malécot, V. and Nickrent, D. L. 2008. Molecular phylogenetic
relationships of Olacaceae and related Santalales. Systematic Botany 33:
97-106. For a PDF file of this article, click HERE.
- Su H.-J., J.-M. Hu, F. E. Anderson and D. L. Nickrent. 2015.
Phylogenetic relationships of Santalales with insights into the origins
of holoparasitic Balanophoraceae. Taxon 64(3): 491-506. For a PDF file
of this article click HERE.
- Nickrent, D. L., F. Anderson, & J. Kuijt. 2019. Inflorescence
evolution in Santalales: Integrating morphological characters and
molecular phylogenetics. American Journal of Botany 106(3):402-414. For
a pdf file of this article click HERE.
Last updated: 13-Mar-21 / dln