Opiliaceae Valeton
Distribution Map

- Agonandra brasiliensis
- A
series of photos from Atrium,
information system.
- Photo.
Zappi, D.C. 2044 - Brazil: Minas Gerais. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Photo.
Bark. Brazil: Minas Gerais. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Line
drawing. Link goes to TROPICOS.
- Agonandra excelsa
- Plant with flowers,
Ecuador. Photo by C. Dodson, (no. 9634). Link
goes to TROPICOS database, MO.
- Series
photos of this species. Link
goes to Flora Digital RS, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
- Agonandra macrocarpa
- Agonandra peruviana
- Agonandra racemosa
- Agonandra sylvatica
- Photos.
Plant in fruit and with young flowers. Link
goes to Atrium, biodiversity information system
- Illustration, from A, E,
Krukoff 9006; B-D, Silva 1348; F, G, L.B.B. 11195; H, I, Loubry s.n.
A. Twig with male inflorescence. B. Young male inflorescence. C.
Bracteole of a flower from B. D. Adaxial view of a bract. E. Male
flower. F. Group of 3 female flowers after anthesis, only one tepal
left. G. tepal of a female flower. H. Drupe. I. Drupe,
longitudinally cut in half (from Flora of the Guianas 14, 1993).
Fig. 13, from Hiepko (2000, Flora Neotropica Monograph 82).
- Photos.
Click the forward button below the image to see more photos. D.
Sasaki et al. 1432 - Brazil: Mato Grosso. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
Anthobolus (previously
in Santalaceae)
- Anthobolus filifolius
- Herbarium specimen,
Missouri Botanical Gardens (MO).
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Anthobolus foveolatus
- Anthobolus leptomerioides
- Cansjera leptostachya
- Vegetative specimen.
Queensland, Australia. [DLN 2815] Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Flowering shoots.
Trinity Beach, N of Cairns, Queensland, Australia. [DLN 4454] Photo
by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Cansjera rheedei
- Young shrub with spiny
stem growing in an inclined position. SE-Thailand, Rayong prov., Ban
Phe. Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Spiny stem. SE-Thailand,
Rayong prov., Ban Phe. Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Older stem of the liana,
spines teat-like through secondary growth. SE-Thailand, Rayong
prov., Ban Phe. Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Inflorescence and young fruit.
SE-Thailand, Rayong prov., Ban Phe (Geesink & Hiepko 7831).
Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Fruit. SE-Thailand, Rayong
prov., Ban Phe. Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Small white stem of the liana
to the right of the tree (cf. fig. 3). SE-Thailand, Rayong prov.,
Ban Phe. Photo by P. Hiepko. (For more information on C.
rheedei, see P. Hiepko & H.C. Weber in Willdenowia 8:
351-362. 1978).
- A
series of nice photos of this species. Photos by Stanley
Sze. Link goes to
HKWildlife.net in China.
- Photos.
Flowers and fruiting shoots. Karikale, North Karnataka & Nagla
Bundar, Maharashtra, India. Photos by Prashant Awale. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Champereia manillana
- Inflorescence with bisexual
flowers, Inflorescences
on the main trunk of the treelet, Female
young fruits. SE-Thailand, Rayong prov., Ban Phe (Geesink
& Hiepko 7823). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Illustration. 1 and 2,
bisexual flower, 3 female flower, 4 female flowers, two tepals
removed (1 & 2 from Geesink & Hiepko 7823; 3 & 4 from
Hiepko 364). Fig. 1, from Hiepko (1979, Willdenowia 9:13-56).
- Photos.
Flowers and fruits. Taiwan. Photos by Mingiweng. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Fruits.
McRitchie Nature Trail, Central Catchment Nature Preserve,
Singapore. Photo by Orang Asli. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photo.
The leaves of chemperai are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.
Malaysia. Photos by Norisah. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
A page with a series of good photos of this species.
Photos taken 17 February 2010 by Kwan. Link goes to
the NatureLoveYou web site in Singapore.
- Gjellerupia papuana
- Illustration. 1 twig with
infructescence, 2 male flower, 3 bract from a male inflorescence, 4
female flower, one tepal and one stamen removed (1 from Darbyshire
& Hoogland 8232; 2 from Gjellerup 170; 3 from Kostermans &
Soegeng 266; 4 from Kostermans & Soegeng 390). Fig. 13, from
Hiepko (1979, Willdenowia 9:13-56).
- Lepionurus sylvestris
- Excellent
photos of inflorescences, Link
goes to Malaysia Plants website.
- Great
photos of the plant by Wee Foon Ang, Link goes to
- Young inflorescence.
Peninsular Thailand, Ranong, Klong Naka (Geesink, Hiepko &
Phengklai 7567). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Inflorescence. Thailand,
Chumpon province, Tha Sae, Kapo Waterfall (Williams 1252). Photo by
Kyle Williams.
- Inflorescence and mature
fruits. Thailand, Chumpon province, Tha Sae, Kapo Waterfall
(Williams 1252). Photo by Kyle Williams.
- Mature flowers of plant
in cultivation. Native to India to Malaysia. Photograph by
Wolfgang Forsteuter, published in "World of Plants" article by
Mitsuru Hirota (Weekly Asahihyakka, Jan. 22, 1995).
- Illustration. A: two
flowers of a triad, one just opened, B: bract, C: LS of flower (all
from Nicolson 3072). Fig. 15, from Hiepko (1979, Willdenowia
- Melientha suavis
- Habit of the tree, leaves,
and fruiting branches.
From the
suavis page on Local Vegetables of Thailand web site,
sponsored by JIRCAS
(Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences).
- Young plant in
vegetative condition. The leaves are used as food in Thailand.
From the Friends of Salakphra website (the first wildlife
sanctuary in Thailand).
- Flowering branch, from Medicinal
in Nakhonratchasima Province website.
- Illustration. 1 part of
a female inflorescence, 2 female flower, two tepals removed, 3 LS of
a male flower bud, 4 male flower, the stamens removed, 5 male flower
(1, 2 & 3 from Put 666; 4 & 5 from Maxwell 75-70). Fig. 5,
from Hiepko (1979, Willdenowia 9:13-56).
- Illustration.
Modified from Pierre, L., 1884-1895. Flore forestiere de la
Cochinchine, vol. 3: t. 264 , fig. B [Drawing by E. Delpy]. From
www.plantillustrations.org HERE.
- Melientha sp.
- Opilia amentacea
- Pre-flowering individual.
Queensland, Australia. [DLN 2809] Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Stem of the liana. Kenya,
Kiambu Distr., Karura forest. Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Branch with young inflorescences.
Kenya, Kiambu Distr., Karura forest (Hiepko 2623). Photo by
P. Hiepko.
- Fruits. Quarry north of
Mutoko, Zimbabwe. From the Flora
of Zimbabwe web site. Photo by Mark A. Hyde
- Illustration. A group of 3
flowers in the axil of a fallen bract, one stamen of the opened
central flower cut off. B bract, adaxial view. C infructescence with
2 drupes (from spirit coll.). D left: drupe cut in half, seed
removed; right: seed, cut in half. E twig with young inflorescence
(A, B FHI 23979; C, D Warnecke 307; E Stolz 1512). Fig 2, from
Hiepko (1982, Willdenowia 12:161-182).
- Shoots with flowers and
fruits, shoot with
fruit, fruits cut
transversely, close-up
fruit X.S. Jaagbo (Chinfoyiri) Sacred Grove in Tolon-Kumbugu
District on Tolon - Daboya road; about 25km from Tamale. Ghana..
From Virtual Field Herbarium, Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford
(site not active). Photo P. Ekpe/NSBP.
- Shoots with young
inflorescences. Species given as O.
(a synonym acc. to Hiepko). From Plants
of Africa, Mt. Kenya Rainforest. Photo by Richard Spjut.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Opilia campestris
- Habit. Kenya, Masai Distr.
(Hiepko 2608). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Fruit. Kenya, Masai Distr.
(Hiepko 2608). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Pentarhopalopilia marquesii
- Illustration. A,
inflorescence, some flowers removed; B, bract, side view; C,
bracteole, abaxial view; D, P. madagascariensis:
inflorescence with persistent bracts; E, P. perrieri: young
inflorescence on a short shoot, with basal leaf; F, G, P.
umbellulata: F, flower, pedicel cut; G, flower just after
anthesis (A-C, Gosswiler 8547; D, Capuron 23239-SF; E, Capuron
27963-SF; F, G, Faulkner 2390). Fig. 4, from Hiepko (1985, Bot.
Jahrb. Syst. 107:137-152).
- Pentarhopalopilia perrieri
- Photos
Plant in fruit. Village Tortues (Turtle Village) near Ifaty, Prov.
Toliara, Madagascar. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Pentarhopalopilia umbellulata
- Base of main stem with
two whorls of stolons creeping on the soil. Kenya, Kwale Distr.
(Hiepko & Robertson 2634), (see P. Hiepko in Bot. Janrb. Syst.
108: 271-291. 1987). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Pentarhopalopilia madagascariensis
- Series
of photos showing flowering and fruiting shoots. Antsiranana,
Madagascar. Photos by G. E. Schatz (Schatz et al. 4296). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Young plants in
cultivation at the QMM botanical garden. From
the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford -
Some Plants Found in the Fort Dauphin Region, Madagascar.
- Rhopalopilia pallens
- Illustration. A,
inflorescence just before anthesis of the apical flower, bracts,
bracteoles fallen, some flowers removed; B, flower after anthesis,
longitudinally cut in half; C, tepal and attached stamen; D, flower,
front tepal and stamen removed (A, B Mildbraed 3644; C, D, Klaine
1800). Fig. 2, from Hiepko (1985, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 107:137-152).
- Photos.
Plant in fruit. Village of Antsira, Mangily-Tananasokatra Private
Nature Reserve, Madagascar. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Urobotrya congolana
- Flowering shoots. Mt.
Cameroon. Photograph by Martin Cheek [MC et al. 3947], December
- Urobotrya latisquama
- Photos.
Plant in flower and fruit. Ma Rong Cave, Prachuap Khiri Khan Prov.,
Thailand. Link goes to
Flora of the World.
- Urobotrya siamensis
- Branch with young and
flowering inflorescences. Central Thailand, Saraburi, Sahm
Lahn forest (Geesing, Hiepko & Maxwell 7807). Photo by P.
- Young fruits. Central
Thailand, Saraburi, Sahm Lahn forest (Geesing, Hiepko & Maxwell
7807). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- More or less ripe fruits.
Central Thailand, Saraburi, Sahm Lahn forest (Geesing, Hiepko &
Maxwell 7807). Photo by P. Hiepko.
- Inflorescences and fruits.
From from Medicinal Plants in Nakhonratchasima Province website.
- Illustration. 1 two young
inflorescences, 2 bract, side view, 3 bract, 4 group of
sclerenchymatic cells from a bract, 5 flower bud, 6 flower, one
stamen cut off, 7 pistil and disc after flowering, 8 fruit, 8 LS of
seed (1-7 from Soeresen, Larsen & hansen 6625, type; 8 from Kerr
7990; 9 from Collins 1986). Fig. 9, from Hiepko (1979, Willdenowia
For a molecular phylogeny of Santalaceae sensu lato and Opiliaceae,
see Der and Nickrent (2008): HERE.
A molecular phylogeny of the entire order Santalales, see Su et al.
2015) HERE.
Last updated: 15-Nov-20 / dln