Schoepfiaceae Blume
Distribution Map
- Arjona longifolia
- Arjona patagonica
- Close-up of flower.
Portillo, region V (ca 2500 m), Chile. Photo 15 Jan.
2003 by Rolland Douzet.
- Photo.
Patagonian Argentina (Province Santa Cruz) and Chile (Region 12).
Photo by S. Aubert and R. Douzet (Station Alpine Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France). Link goes to Flickr.
- Arjona pusilla
- Photo.
Patagonian Argentina (Province Santa Cruz). Photo by S. Aubert and
R. Douzet (Station Alpine Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France). Link
goes to Flickr.
- Arjona ruscifolia
- Arjona tuberosa
Quinchamalium chilense was shown via
morphometric analyses by Lopez Laphitz et al. (2015. Systematic Botany
40:1045-1052) to be a single, polymorphic, widespread species with a
continuum of morphological variation (either genotypic or environmental
phenotypic plasticity). A taxonomic revision reduced to synonymy 28 names
of species or infraspecific taxa (Lopez Laphitz et al. 2015. Bol. Soc.
Argent. Bot. 50:235-246).
- Quinchamalium chilense
- Photos.
Photos by Pieter Pelser. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Habit of plant.
Valle Nevado, metropolitan region (ca 2500 m). Photo 9 Jan.
2003 by Serge Aubert.
- Habit of plant. Cerro Otto
Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi Bariloche Argentina. Photo December
2002 by Norlan Tercero Bucardo.
- Inflorescences. Same as above.
Photo by Norlan Tercero Bucardo.
- Close-up of inflorescence.
Same as above. Photo by Norlan Tercero Bucardo.
- Photos.
Biobio region, Chile. Link goes to
Flora of the World.
- Photos
of plants identified as Q. parviflorum. Maule region,
Talca Province, Chile. Link goes to Flora of
the World.
- Herbarium
specimen (as Q. dombeyi), Missouri Botanical
Gardens (MO).
- Photo
(as Q. lomae). Oliver Whaley et al. 335 - Peru: Ica. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- View of the plants (as Q. majus) in their habitat
and close-up of the
inflorescence. From website
"Flore et végétation du Parc National Villarica" [Floraand
Vegetation of the Villarica National Park] in Chile.
- Photos
(as Q. parviflorum). Maule, Talca region, Chile. Photos 22 Feb 2013
by S. Christoph. Link goes to Flora of the
- Habit of plant in
flower (as Q. procumbens). Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo. James C.
Solomon (No. 6658). Link goes to TROPICOS
image library MO.
- Habit of plant in
flower (as Q. procumbens). Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo. James C.
Solomon (No. 15218). Link goes to TROPICOS
image library MO.
- Plant in flower.
Farellones, Chile. January 1984. Photo by Job Kuijt.
- Schoepfia arenaria
- Photo.
Caribbean, Puerto Rico. Voucher (60895) and photo by Thomas B.
Croat. Link goes to TROPICOS database
at MO.
- Schoepfia brasiliensis
- Photos.
Flowers and vegetative features. Florula of Fazenda Rio do Negro,
Bahia, Brazil (S12.01 W038.04 150 m alt.). Photo 11 Nov. 2008 by
Alex Popovkin. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Nice flower close-ups and fruiting shoots. Florula of Fazenda Rio do
Negro, Bahia, Brazil (S12.01 W038.04 150 m alt.). Photo July 2009 by
Alex Popovkin. Link goes to Flickr.
- Schoepfia californica
- Photos.
Flowering shoots and fruits. Photos by Debra Valov. Link
goes to CalPhotos web site.
- Photos. Flowering
shoots and fruits. From Baja California Sur. Photos by Fernando
Arcas. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Schoepfia chinensis and
S. fragrans
- Schoepfia jasminodora
- Photo. Kagoshima
City, Kagoshima, Japan. Plants in fruit. Photograph by Hirano
Takahisa, published in "World of Plants" article by Mitsuru Hirota
(Weekly Asahihyakka, Jan. 22, 1995).
- A
series of photos from Mingiweng. Taiwan. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos
of plant in flower and fruit. Sichuan Huaxi Village,
Puyang, China. From PlantPhotoBank.cn.
- Line
drawing. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Schoepfia obliquifolia (along
with Cathedra and Tetrastylidium)
- Schoepfia schreberi (including S. chrysophylloides)
- Photo Habit of plant. Andros
Island, Bahamas. [DLN 2599]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Flowering
shoot. From Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants, University of South
Florida. Photo by Roger Hammer.
- Photo1 and 2.
Flowering shoot of red flowered form. W. D. Stevens 26977 &
27756, Nicaragua. Photos by O. M. Montiel. Link
goes to TROPICOS database at MO.
- Photos.
shoot of yellow flowered form. W. D. Stevens 27464, Nicaragua, Photo
by O. M. Montiel. Link goes to TROPICOS
database at MO.
- Photo. Close-up of
flowers. Florida. Photo by L. J. Musselman.
- Photo. Fruiting
shoot. Grenada. From the Virtual Field Herbarium. Photo by W.D.
Hawthorne (specimen W.D. Hawthorne & S.Porle no. 797).
- Photo of haustoria on a
host root; and a photo
of an attached haustorium, hand sectioned. Bahamas. Photos by Wm.
Vance Baird.
- A molecular phylogeny of Olacaceae sensu lato, including
Schoepfiaceae, by Malécot and Nickrent (2008) can be found here HERE.
- For a reclassification of Santalales, including family names for all
the clades, see Nickrent et al. (2010): HERE.
- For a molecular phylogenetic study of the entire order Santalales, see
Su et al. (2015) HERE.
- For a molecular phylogenetic and biogeographic study of Loranthaceae,
with Schoepfiaceae as outgroup, see Liu et al. (2018) HERE.

Last updated: 15-Nov-20 / dln