Viscaceae Batsch
Distribution Map

The Dwarf Mistletoe Gurus! Frank Hawksworth (right) and Delbert Wiens
(left), San Cristobal, Guatemala, February, 1975. Whole
scene. Close-up.
- Arceuthobium abieties-religiosae
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium americanum
- Photo Carpellate plant on Pinus
contorta. Saguache Co., Colorado, USA. [DLN 1560]. Photo by D.
L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Carpellate plant with
mature fruits. Arrow indicates verticillate branching. ,
Buckhorn Mt., Larimer Co. CO [DLN 1508].
- Photo.
Closer view of carpellate plant with mature fruits. Arrow
indicates pistillate flowers. Buckhorn Mt., Larimer Co. CO [DLN
1508]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo.
Carpellate plant (left) and immature staminate plant
(right). Arrow indicates verticillate branching on the
staminate plant. Pennock Pass, Larimer Co. CO [DLN 1550]. Photo by
D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo Seed just after
dehiscence, sticking to a host (Pinus contorta) needle.
Larimer Co., Colorado, USA. [DLN 1508]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photos.
Showing wood sections with parasite endophyte. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Plant in fruit. Link goes to Flora of the World.
- Arceuthobium azoricum
- Photo Azore islands. Photo
by Carlos Aedo Perez.
- Arceuthobium bicarinatum
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. abietinum. NOTE:
PhytoImages links at present only go to the species level. We hope to
implement links to subspecific taxa soon.
- Photo Staminate plant on Abies
magnifica. (= A. abietinum f. sp. magnificae;
DLN 1910), Madera Co., California, USA. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. apachecum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. blumeri
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. californicum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. campylopodum.
- Photo Carpellate plant on Pinus
jeffreyi. Placerville, California, USA. [DLN 2222]. Photo by
D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo Staminate plant on Pinus
jeffreyi. Placerville, California, USA. [DLN 2222]. Photo by
D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo Young
staminate plant (left) and fruiting carpellate plant (right) on Pinus
jeffreyi. Placerville, California, USA. [DLN 2222]. Photo by
D. L. Nickrent.
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. cyanocarpum
- Photo Staminate plant (left)
and carpellate plant (right) on Pinus ponderosa. (DLN 1570),
Boulder Co., Colorado, USA. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo.
Double infection with A.
vaginatum ssp. cryptopodum.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Arceuthobium campylopodum subsp.
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. littorum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. microcarpum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. monticola
- Photo Carpellate plant with
nearly mature fruits. Josephine Co., CA; Aug. 1988 [DLN 2708]
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. occidentale
- Photo Carpellate plant with
slightly immature fruits. Tulare Co. CA; Sept. 1981 [DLN 1694],
- Photo Closer view of
carpellate plant with slightly immature fruits. Arrow indicates
flabellate branching. Tulare Co. CA; Sept. 1981[DLN 1694]
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. siskiyouense
- Photo Carpellate plant with
nearly mature fruits. Arrow indicates flabellate branching. Del
Norte Co., CA; Aug. 1988 [DLN 2704]
- Photo Carpellate plant with
nearly mature fruits. Del Norte Co., CA; Aug. 1988 [DLN 2706]
- Arceuthobium campylopodum
subsp. tsugense
- Photo Note the
large, fusiform swelling of the branch of its host Pinus
contorta ssp. contorta. (DLN 2664), Horne Lake,
British Columbia, Canada. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo Infection of
three host trees: Abies lasiocarpa, Tsuga mertensiana and Pinus
albicaulis. (DLN 2684), Lane Co., Oregon, USA. Photo by
D. L. Nickrent.
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium chinense
- Photos.
Link goes to Subject Database
of Chinese Plants.
- Photos.
Unfortunately, one must scroll down to see the watermarked
photos. Link goes to www.planta.cn.
- Arceuthobium divaricatum
- Staminate plant in flower and pistillate
plant with fruits. Pecos, NM. Photos by D. L. Nickrent.
- Pinus monophylla
branches with mistletoe, pistillate
plant with fruits, color
variations. North of Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Co, CA. [DLN
1897]. Photos by D. L. Nickrent.
- Staminate plant, closer
view of staminate shoots with flowers, staminate
shoot in hand, pistillate
plant, pistillate shoot in
hand. Mt. Withington, Socoro Co. NM. [DLN 1623]. Photos by D.
L. Nickrent.
- Photos
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium douglasii
- One view and another
of fruiting shoots. Parasitic on Pseudotsuga menziesii.
Mt. Herman, El Paso Co. CO [DLN 1556]. Photos by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Host branches (Pseudotsuga)
with severe systemic infections of Douglas fir dwarf mistletoe. Mt.
Withington, Socoro Co. NM [DLN 1627]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Maroon colored
shoots with fruits. Bear Wallow, Santa Catalina Mts., Pima Co. AZ.
[DLN 1941]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Purple colored
shoots with fruits. Pinalenos Mts., AZ. [DLN 1949]. Photo by D. L.
- Photo. Pseudotsuga
showing the different developmental stages of mistletoe
corresponding to growth increments of host branches. Cerro Potosi,
Nuevo Leon, Mexico [DLN 1984]. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Host branch with staminate
shoots and young
shoots. Johnson Mesa, Santa Fe National Forest, Sangre de
Cristo Mountains NM. Photos by D. L. Nickrent.
- Staminate shoots
infecting host stem and close-up
of staminate shoot in flower. Photos by D. Wiens.
- Plant with fungal hyperparasite Caliciopsis
(Wallrothiella) arceuthobii. In this close-up,
note the black stroma that contain perithecia on the stigmatic
surface of these pistillate flowers. Sandia Mts., Sandoval Co., NM.
Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Arceuthobium gillii
- Photo Plant attached to
stem of host, Pinus leiophylla var. chihuahuana.
Bear Canyon, Santa Catalina Mts., Arizona. Photo by D. L. Nickrent
[DLN 1938].
- Photo Closer view of
carpellate plants with fruits. Bear Canyon, Santa Catalina Mts.,
Arizona. Photo by D. L. Nickrent [DLN 1938].
- Photo Fruiting stem in
hand. Pima County, AZ. Photo by D. L. Nickrent [DLN 1663].
- Arceuthobium globosum (including subspecies aureum,
globosum, grandicaule, and petersonii)
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium guatemalense
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Arceuthobium hondurense
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium juniperi-procerae
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium minutissimum
- Photo Parasitic on
Pinus wallichiana. Bhutan. Photo by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Photo Parasitic on
Pinus wallichiana. Bhutan. Photo by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Photo Parasitic on
Pinus wallichiana. Bhutan. Photo by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Arceuthobium nigrum (formerly A. gillii ssp. nigrum)
- Photo
on p. 228 of Agricultural
Handbook 709.
- Arceuthobium oaxacanum
- Photo
on p. 228 Agricultural
Handbook 709.
- Arceuthobium oxycedri
- Host tree, Juniperus
oxycedrus, infected with Arceuthobium oxycedri.
San Agustin de Guadalix, north of Madrid, Spain. Photo by D. L.
- Photo Close-up of infection
on host branch. San Agustin de Guadalix, north of Madrid, Spain.
Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Habit of mistletoe
on host tree, Juniperus oxycedrus. San Agustin de Guadalix,
north of Madrid, Spain. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo Globose, young
infection on host tree, Juniperus oxycedrus. San Agustin de
Guadalix, north of Madrid, Spain. Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Infection on host
branch. San Agustin de Guadalix, north of Madrid, Spain. Photo by D.
L. Nickrent.
- Photo Close-up of young
shoots. San Agustin de Guadalix, north of Madrid, Spain. Photo by D.
L. Nickrent.
- Photos.
Mistletoe shoots on host branches. Lahaul-Spiti, Himachal Pradesh,
India. Photo by Krishan Lal. Link
to Flowers of India.
- Arceuthobium pendens
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium pini
- Photo. Habit of
the mistletoe parasitic on Pinus yunnanensis, Baimaxueshan Nature
Reserve in Northwest Yunnan, China. Photo by Cyril Greuter.
- Arceuthobium pusillum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Arceuthobium rubrum
- Photo Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Arceuthobium sichuanense
- Photo.
Fruiting shoots. Link
to Subject Database of Chinese Plants.
- Arceuthobium strictum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium tibetense
- Photo Carpellate
plants. China, Tibet, prov. Sichuan, Shalui Shan Mts., 30 km NE of
Batang, S of Yidun, 30°16'N/99°25'E, 3800 m alt., 25 June.1994.
Photo by Walter Obermayer.
- Arceuthobium vaginatum ssp. cryptopodum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages (all
subspecies at present).
- Photo Shoots of the western US
mistletoe emerging months after a greenhouse inoculation of the host
(Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum). Photo by D. L.
- Photo. Young mistletoe
shoots emerging from bark on main bole of Pinus
ponderosa var. scopulorum.
This shows how the mistletoe tissue can be latent and later
emerge following disturbance (crack in bark, etc.). S of Tres
Lagunas, along Rt. 63, N of Pecos, NM. Photo 3 June 2004 by D. L.
- Photo. Carpellate
(above) and staminate (below) shoots of the mistletoe emerging from
host (Pinus ponderosa var.
scopulorum). Santa Fe
National Forest, Johnson Mesa, Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Photo 2
June 2004 by D. L. Nickrent.
- Photo. Close-up of
staminate shoots. Note the variation in flower merousity; 3-
and 4-merous flowers can be seen. Santa Fe National Forest,
Johnson Mesa, Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Photo 2 June 2004 by D. L.
- Arceuthobium vaginatum ssp. durangense (= A. durangense)
- Photo Seedling with
holdfast parasitizing a host pine (Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum)
under greenhouse conditions. Durango, Mexico. Photo by D. L.
- Photo Carpellate plant
showing the explosive dehiscence of the seed from the shoot.
Durango, Mexico. Photo by Ken Robertson.
- Photo Plants being
disarticulated by leaf-cutter ants (Atta mexicana). Durango,
Mexico.Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Illustration of
leaf-cutter ants (Atta mexicana) and Arceuthobium
durangense by D. L. Nickrent. Click HERE
to see the Golden Bough paper on this interesting association.
- Arceuthobium vaginatum ssp. vaginatum
- Photo Seeds of this Mexican
taxon without (left) and with (right) viscin coat. Note bubbles
formed by photosynthesizing endosperms. [DLN 1980]. Photo by Ken
- Arceuthobium verticilliflorum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Arceuthobium yecorense
- Photo
in Chapter 16, p. 258 in Agricultural
- Dendropthora buxifolia
- Dendrophthora clavata
- Dendrophthora costaricensis ssp. costaricensis
- Photo1, Photo2.
Flowering and fruiting shoots. San Jose Prov., Dist. Dota, San
Geraldo, Costa Rica. Photo by Mauricio Bonaficino, June 17, 2004.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Santamaría
& Monro 8695. Link goes
- Photo 1
showing plant habit and Photo
2 close-up of infructescence. Along ridge leading to Río
Teribe, Bocas del Toro, Panama. Sandra Knapp & Alex K. Monro no.
5228. Link goes to
- Photos.
Slopes of Cerro Itamut near camp 1, 12.1 km NE (straight line) of
Estación Pittier, Bocas del Toro, Panama. Sandra Knapp & Alex K.
Monro no. 9868. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Limón, Costa Rica. Monro et al. 7085. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Dendrophthora costaricensis ssp. poasensis
- Photo Shoots with
young inflorescence. Costa Rica, Volcan Poás. Photo by Mauricio
Bonaficino, July 8, 2004.
- Photo Shoots with
mature and maturing fruits. Costa Rica, Volcan Poás. Photo by
Mauricio Bonaficino, July 8, 2004.
- Photo Mature,
flattened fruits. Costa Rica, Volcan Poás. Photo by Mauricio
Bonaficino, July 8, 2004.
- Dendrophthora cupressoides
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora davidsei
- Photos.
of camp 2, along ridge leading to Río Teribe, Bocas del Toro,
Panama. Sandra Knapp & Alex K. Monro no. 9924. . Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo.
South slopes of Cerro Itamut, Bocas del Toro, Panama. Sandra Knapp
& Alex K. Monro no. 9976. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Parque Internacional La Amistad,, Costa Rica. Monro et al.
7226. Link goes to
- Dendrophthora dodsonii
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora domingensis
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora elegantissima
- Photo.
Páramo Santa Inés, Antioquia, Colombia. A. Guarin (4283). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Dendrophthora elliptica
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora flagelliformis
- Dendrophthora fortis
- Photo. Fruiting
shoots. Panama. From Kuijt & Harrison (2015. Phytologia
- Dendrophthora harlingii
- Photos.
Ecuador. David A. Neill - 15884. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Dendrophthora jauana
- Photo. Cerro
Neblina Valle de Titricó, N of Pico Phelps Amazonas, Venezuela.
Photo by T. Croat, voucher 59546. From TROPICOS image library
- Dendrophthora lueri
- Dendrophthora mesembryanthemifolia
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Montane forest, La Suiza Vieja, Peru. Van der Werff
et al. 22855. Link goes to
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Cloud forest and puna vegetation, Along trail Milpo
to Sta. Barbara, Peru. Van der Werff et al. 23158. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Dendrophthora opuntioides
- Dendrophthora paucifolia
- Dendrophthora perlicarpa
- Photo. Flowering
shoots. Panama. From Kuijt & Harrison (2015. Phytologia
- Dendrophthora primaria
- Photo.
Inflorescences. Panama. From Kuijt & Harrison (2016.
Phytologia 98(2):142-145).
- Dendrophthora purpurea
- Photo.
Flowering shoot. Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo. James
Solomon 19048. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Dendrophthora remotiflora
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora roraimae
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora serpyllifolia
- Dendrophthora squamigera
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Mistletoes with flowering and fruiting spikes. Slopes of Cerro
Itamut, Bocas del Toro, Panama. Sandra Knapp & Alex K.
Monro 9869. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
12.3 km NE of Estación Pittier, SE slopes of Cerro Itamut, ridge
above small quebrada running between Itamut and El Pyramide, Bocas
del Toro, Panama. Sandra Knapp & Alex K. Monro no.
10010. Link goes to
- Dendrophthora turrialbae
- Photo
of plant in fruit. Costa Rica. Photo by Ronald Jones. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Dendrophthora sp.
- Photos.
Plant in fruit. Peru. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Ginalloa angustifolia
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Ginalloa arnottiana
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Ginalloa ovata
- Photograph
of isotype. Link goes to New
York Botanical Garden.
- Korthalsella clavata
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Shoots.
Zealand. Photo by Dave Norton.
- Korthalsella complanata
- Korthalsella cylindrica
- Korthalsella disticha
- Photo Habit of plant. Norfolk
Island (between New Zealand and New Caledonia). Photo by Peter
- Photos
shoots and
close-up of fruiting
shoots. Mandjelia, New Caledonia. Photo 13 Nov. 2007 by
C. Davidson (coll. J. Munzinger 4752). From FloraoftheWorld.org.
- Photo.
Habit of plant in tree. Photo by R. A. Howard (see Plant
Image Collection, Smithsonian Inst.)
- Photo.
Closer view of mistletoe. Photo by R. A. Howard (see Plant
Image Collection, Smithsonian Inst.)
- Photo
Close-up of stem, photo
close-up of fruits. Link goes to Australia
National Botanic Gardens.
- Photo. New
Caledonia. Link goes to
- Photo
Habit. Link goes to Australia National
Botanic Gardens.
- Photo
(by G. Butler) habit of mistletoe, photo
(by M. Fagg) closer view of shoots and photo
(by M. Fagg) of fruiting stem. From
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos. A
series of photos and descriptions (in French). For a Google
translation of the page to English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- Photos.
Province du Nord, New Caledonia. Photos 13 Nov 2007 by C. Davidson.
Link goes to Flora of the
- Korthalsella geminata
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Korthalsella grayi
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo
habit of plant, photo
of shoots with young fruits. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Korthalsella horneana
- Korthalsella japonica.
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Shoot showing
flowers and fruits. Tarumizu, Kagoshima, Japan. Photograph by Nagata
Yoshio, published in "World of Plants" article by Mitsuru Hirota
(Weekly Asahihyakka, Jan. 22, 1995).
- Photo1, Photo2.
Madagascar. Link goes
- Photos.
A series of close-up photos of flowers, fruits, etc. Taiwan. Photos
by Mingiweng. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photo
habit of plant, photo
of shoots with young fruits. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos
ssp. brassiana.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos
ssp. brassiana
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Mistletoe shoots on host branches. Sirmaur Dist., Himachal Pradesh,
India. Photos by Krishan Lal. Link
goes to Flowers of India.
- Korthalsella latissima
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo.
An excellent photo of this species from Koke'e State Park,
Kaua'i, Hawaii. Link goes to
Picas web albums by John.
- Photo.
Shoots. Link goes to University of
Hawai'i Vascular Plant Families.
- Photo.
Shoots (as K. complanata). From
Link goes to
Die Pflanzenwelt Polynesiens. Photo by Forest and Kim Starr.
- Korthalsella lindsayi
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo. Parasitic on
Coprosma crassifolia. New
Zealand. Photo by Peter Bannister.
- Photo. Parasitic on
on Melicope simplex.
New Zealand. Photo by Peter Bannister.
- Korthalsella opuntia
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo. Most
similar to var. gaudichaudi.
Parasitic on the endemic Euodia
borbonica. La Réunion.
Photo by Rogier van Vugt, Feb. 9, 2008.
- Photo. Most
similar to var. richardi.
La Réunion. Photo by Rogier van Vugt, Feb. 13, 2008.
- Korthalsella papuana
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos
Link goes to Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill
- Korthalsella platycaula
- Korthalsella remyana
- Korthalsella rubra
- Photos.
A series of excellent photos of the plant by Margaret Donald. These
may be K. rubra subsp. geijericola. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photo
habit of plant. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Korthalsella salicornioides
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo. Parasitic on Erica
lusitanica (an introduced host). New Zealand. Photo
by Peter Bannister.
- Photo. Parasitic on Kunzea
ericoides. New Zealand. Photo by Peter Bannister.
- Photos. A
series of photos and descriptions (in French). For a Google
translation of the page to English, go HERE.
Link goes to Endemia.nc.
- Notothixos cornifolius
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo
habit of plant and photo of flowering
shoot1 and flowers.
From Australian Mistletoes by
Bryan Barlow.
- Photos
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland. .
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Notothixos incanus
- Photo Habit of the
plant parasitizing Melaleuca. Queensland, Australia. Photo
by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Photo Plant showing
haustorial connection to host. Queensland, Australia. Photo by
Gerhard Glatzel.
- Photo Closer view
of mistletoe shoots. Queensland, Australia. Photo by Gerhard
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Coastal flat behind Moonee Beach, north of Coffs Harbour, New South
Wales. Photos by Tony from Sydney. Link goes
to Flickr.
- Photo of
shoot, photo
of flower and photo
of fruiting shoots. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Notothixos leiophyllus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo of
shoot and photo
of fruiting shoots. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Notothixos malayanus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Notothixos subaureus
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Excellent photos of flowers and fruits. By Steve and Alison from
Redland Bay, Queensland. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photo
of mistletoe habit on host branch, photo
of flowering shoot, photo
of flowers and photo
of fruits. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland. .
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Phoradendron affine
- Photo of plant in
fruit. Cerrado Campineiro, near Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Photo
by Marco Silva (originally from Picasaweb).
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photo.
Zappi, D.C. 3331 - Brazil: Minas Gerais. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Phoradendron anceps
- Photo. Fruiting
shoots. Guanica, Puerto Rico. Photo from Smithsonian Institution,
taken by Pedro Acevedo-Rodriguez. See USDA Plants page HERE.
- Phoradendron argentinum
- Photo. A. Habit
of plant on Ruprechtia laxiflora. B. Shoot with young
fruits. C. Young glaucous shoots. D. Inflorescences with staminate
and pistillate flowers (arrows). E. Fruits. From Dettke et al.
(2011. Darwiniana 49: 86-89).
- Phoradendron bathyoryctum
- Photo.
Branches with leaves and spikes (bar = 2 cm). From Reif
(2007). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo. Detail of the spike (bar =
1 cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the thesis
available HERE.
- Phoradendron berteroanum (DC) Grisebach. (= P. henslovii)
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo.
Mistletoe parasitizing Galapagos Croton.
Photo by John Pitts. Link goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron boacoi
- Photos.
Nicaragua. Photos by Stevens 30604. Link
- Phoradendron bolleanum (densum variant)
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo.
Fruiting plant. Mojave National Preserve, San Bernardino
Co., CA. Photo by Yaxbalam. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron brachystachyum
(syn. P. diguetianum)
- Photo. Parasitic
on Pachycereus pringlei,
forming subglobular excrescence to 3 dm on truck. Cape Region
of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Photo 27 Nov. 1969 by Reid Moran
(slide archived at the San Diego Natural History Museum).
- Photo. A second
image of the above unusual host/parasite combination. Note the
extensive canker formation, caused by hypertrophy of host tissue at
the site of the mistletoe haustorium. North of
Migrino, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Photo 8 Nov.
1971 by Reid Moran (slide archived at the San Diego Natural History
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron californicum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Several excellent photos of plant. Coachella Valley, California.
Photos by Joe Decruyenaere. Link goes to
- Photo.
feeding on Phoradendron
californicum fruits. SE Arizona. Photo by Gary
Clark (originally on Picasaweb).
- Photos.
A nice series of photos of this species from San Bernardino
Co., CA. Photos by Dennis Stevenson. Link
goes to PlantSystematics.org.
- Photo1, photo2.
Showing a rare condition epiparasitic upon P.
serotinum ssp. macrophyllum.
The latter upon Fraxinus velutina.
Moristown, AZ. Photos by Paul Kaufman. See his web
site HERE.
- Photos.
Riverside County, California, USA. Photos 3 Mar 1977 by C. Davidson.
Link goes to Flora of the
- Phoradendron capitellatum
- Phoradendron caripense
- Photos.
Parque Estadual do Biribiri - Serra do Espinhaço - Diamantina -
Minas Gerais - Brazil. Photos by João Medeiros. Link
to Flickr.
- Phoradendron carneum
- Photo.
Infructescences. Mexico. G. Cornejo-Tenorio & G.
Ibarra-Manriquez. Link goes to Neotropical
Live Plants, Field Museum.
- Photos.
Link goes to iNaturalist.
- Phoradendron chrysocladon
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo. Belize. From
Plant Photos. Photo ID 9692. Photo by Robin Foster.
- Photo. Ecuador.
From Neotropical
Plant Photos. Photo ID 21275. Photo by Robin Foster.
- Photo Perú.
Possibly this taxon. From Neotropical
Plant Photos. Photo ID 15785. Photo by Robin Foster.
- Photo 1 and Photo
2. Possibly this taxon. Shoot with axillary spikes. Santo
Domingo, sector Tintaya, Franz Tamayo, La Paz, Bolivia. A.
Fuentes et al. 11088. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo.
Inflorescence. Chiriaco, lower slope of Cerro Tayu, Perú. Van der
Werff 24660 (same as 24682). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Vicinity of Peñas Blancas, Carchi, Ecuador. Photos 18 Feb 2005
by C. Davidson. Link goes to
Flora of the World.
- Photos.
Link goes to Atrium.
- Phoradendron crassifolium
- Photo.
Shoot with fruits. Photo by R. A. Howard (see Plant
Image Collection, Smithsonian Inst.)
- Photo. Branch with fertile
sheathing intercallary cataphylls (bar = 2 cm). From Reif
(2007). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Branch parasitized by
P. dipterum (arrow) (bar =
1 cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the thesis
available HERE.
- Photos.
Shoots with inflorescences. Santa Cruz, Vallegrande Bolivia. Parada
et al. 4803. Link goes to
- Photos.
Shoots with inflorescences. Pasco, Oxapampa, Peru. Vásquez et al.
36149. Link goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Series of excellent photos. Link goes to Flore de
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron dipterum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Close-up of the
attachment of the mistletoe (arrow) on P.
crassifolium, an epiparasitic relationship (bar = 1.5
cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the thesis
available HERE.
- Photo Close-up of branch
with spikes (bar = 1 cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of
the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Close-up of the
fruiting spike (bar = 1 cm). From Reif (2007). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photos.
Series of excellent photos. Link goes to Flore de
- Phoradendron foresteriae
- Photo. Shoot
with inflorescences. Chiapas, Mexico in the vicinity of San
Cristobal de las Casas. Photo August 2008 by Christopher Randle.
- Phoradendron fragile
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Aspect of the
flowering branch (bar = 4 cm). From Reif (2007). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Close-up of the fruits (bar
= 5 mm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the
thesis available HERE.
- Phoradendron hexastichum
- Phoradendron inaequidentatum
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. Possibly this species. Santa Cruz, Vallegrande
Bolivia. Parada et al. 503. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Phoradendron juniperinum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Deschutes County, Oregon, USA. Photos 21 Oct. 2011 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Phoradendron leucarpum. Four subspecies of this taxon were
recognized in the monograph by Kuijt (2003); however, these cannot be
distinguish by morphological or molecular means, thus all will be
considered parts of a polymorphic and wide-ranging species.
- Photos.
A number of photos of this species.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Parasitic on Quercus
coccinea, Elmore Co, Alabama, USA. [DLN 2135]. Photo by D. L.
- Photos
of the plant (considered P.
leucarpum ssp. macrophyllum).
Cattle Canyon, San Gabriel Mountains near Los Angeles, CA.
Photos by Sedges Have Edges. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron linearifolium
- Photo Close-up of the
haustorium on the host branch (bar = 1 cm). From Reif
(2007). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Branches and leaves of
the mistletoe (bar = 2 cm). From Reif (2007). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Close-up of the fruit
(bar = 1 cm). From Reif (2007). From Reif (2007). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Phoradendron longifolium
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron mucronatum
- Photos.
Area Natural de Manejo Integrado Madidi, La Paz, Franz Tamayo,
Bolivia. Photos 17 Sept. 2006 by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photo.
Zappi, D.C. 1836 - Brazil:
Minas Gerais. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Phoradendron nervosum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron nitens
- Photos.
Shoot with inflorescences. Cloud forest remnant along Panamerican
Highway to San Juan de Limay, Estelí, Nicaragua. Stevens &
Montiel 34001. Link goes to
- Phoradendron northropiae
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron obtusissimum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Mistletoe on the host (bar
= 10 cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the
thesis available HERE.
- Photo Close-up of the fruits
(bar = 1 cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the
thesis available HERE.
- Phoradendron pellucidulum
- Photo.
D. Sasaki et al. 2247 - Brazil: Mato Grosso. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Phoradendron perredactum
- Photo of the
host Bursera with the tiny
mistletoe emerging from its branches. Photo
of the mistletoe in fruit. Cuernavaca municipio, Morelos,
Mexico. Photographs by Esteban Martínez. This species was first
described by Rzedowski & Calderon Rzedowski (2011 - see
translation HERE) from a
population near Mariscala, Oaxaca, Mexico.
- Phoradendron perrottetii
- Photos.
Plant in fruit. Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Photos by
Gregório Ceccan-Tini. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photo.
Zappi, D.C. 2476 - Brazil: Minas Gerais. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Photos.
Series of excellent photos. Link goes to Flore de
- Phoradendron piperoides
- Photos.
A nice series of good photos showing various parts of the plant.
Photos by Alan Franck. Link
goes to Flora of Clarendon Parish Region, Jamaica.
- Photo Mistletoe shoots with
flowering spikes (bar = 3 cm). From Reif (2007). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Fruiting spikes (bar =
3 cm). From Reif (2007). From Reif (2007). English
translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Chontales, Nicaragua. Stevens et al. 28532. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos
A series of digital photos showing various parts of the plant
(leaves, inflorescences, fruits, etc.) Link
goes to La Flora Digital de La Selva.
- Photos.
Volcan San Martin, Veracruz, Mexico. Photos 22 May 2001 by C.
Davidson. Link goes to Flora
of the World.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Loreto, Loreto, Peru. Vásquez et al. 34960. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
Series of excellent photos. Link goes to Flore de
- Photos.
Photos of plants in fruit from Peru. Link goes to Atrium
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron pteroneuron
- Photo.
Click on the forward arrow below the image to see more photos. D.
Sasaki et al. 2262 - Brazil: Mato Grosso. Link
to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Photos.
Series of excellent photos. Link goes to Flore de
- Phoradendron quadrangulare
- Photo 1 and photo
2. Panamá. From Neotropical
Plant Photos. Photo IDs rf3 and rf4. Photos by Robin Foster.
- Photo Close-up of the spike
with fruits (bar = 5 mm). From Reif (2007). English translation
of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo Seeds on host branch
showing viscin stands. From Reif (2007). English translation of
the thesis available HERE.
- Photo
Fruiting shoot, parasitic on Ficus.
Km 168 on Highway 1, 16 km N of Estelí, Cuesta de Kukamonga,
nearly dry stream bed leading down to Río Estelí, Nicaragua.
W. D. Stevens et al. no. 27030. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo
Fruiting shoots, parasitic on Ficus.
8.1 km NE of La Libertad (parque) along road to Santo Domingo,
Chontales, Nicaragua. W. D. Stevens et al. 27353. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. Municipio de Somoto, Cerro Quisuca, Madriz,
Nicaragua. Coronado González 4076. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. Estelí, Nicaragua. Coronado González 6879. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. Granada, Nicaragua. Rueda 18569. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. Bocos del Toro, Panama. Knapp and Monro 9928. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos
of plant from near Iquitos, Peru. By Alexey Yakovlev. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron racemosum
- Photo.
Mistletoe from Dominican Republic. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron reichenbachianum
- Photo.
Shoot with inflorescences and infructescences. Mexico. G.
Cornejo-Tenorio & G. Ibarra-Manriquez. Link
goes to Neotropical Live Plants, Field Museum.
- Phoradendron rhipsalinum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron robaloense
- Photos.
Shoots with inflorescences. A. K. Monro 4950. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Phoradendron robustissimum
- Photos.
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica. Testigo: Hammel et al. 26985. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Guanacaste dry forest, Costa Rica. Photos D. Janzen. Link
- Photo.
Close-up of inflorescence (note branching!). Costa Rica. Photo
from Flickr.
- Photo
1 showing habit in host tree (Caesalpinia)
and Photo 2
flowering shoots. Possibly this species. Along Carretera
Panamericana between Ciudad Darío and Sebaco, near Las Tunas,
Matagalpa, Nicaragua. W. D. Stevens and O. M. Montiel J. no.
26626. Link goes to
- Phoradendron rubrum
- Phoradendron rusbyi
- Photos.
From Peru. Link goes to
- Phoradendron strongyloclados
- Photo.
Inflorescence with young developing fruits. Parque Estadual da
Serra das Andorinhas / Martiros e da APA Sao Geraldo do Araguaia,
Brazil. Photo by André Cardoso. Link
to Flickr.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. The alveolar rims are quite expanded, like in P.
annulatum but that species is not recorded from Bolivia. Santa Cruz,
Vallegrande, Bolivia. Parada et al. 2859. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Series
photos. Bahia, Brazil. Photos by Alex Popovkin. Link
goes to Flickr.
- Phoradendron tonduzii
- Photos.
Excellent photos of fruiting plants in Costa Rica by B. Hammel
(22446). Link goes to
- Photo.
Fruiting shoots, parasitic on Tecoma
stans. Madriz, Nicaragua. Stevens & Montiel
26731. Link goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Fruiting shoots. Boaco, Nicaragua. Stevens & Montiel 31808. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo of fruiting
plant. Zapotitlan, Mexico. Photos by Art Vogel (originally in
Picasa web album).
- Photo.
Young female inflorescences. Photo by Pedro Juárez (PJ612). As P.
piperoides. Link
goes to Neotropical Live Plant Photos.
- Photos.
Series of photos of female plant with immature fruits. Costa
Rica. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron trinervium
- Phoradendron tunaeforme
- Photo Habit of mistletoe (bar =
1.5 cm). From Reif (2007). English translation of the thesis
available HERE.
- Phoradendron undulatum
- Photo.
Spikes with flowers. Bolivia. A. Fuentes et al.
(4522). Link goes to
- Photo. Fruiting
shoot. Panama. Monro (4497). Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photo. Fruiting branch, sectioned
at the ancipital internode (bar = 1 cm). From Reif
(2007). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo. Branchlet with sheathing
cataphylls evident (arrow) (bar = 1.5 cm). From Reif
(2007). English translation of the thesis available HERE.
- Photo . Close-up of the fruiting
spike (bar = 5 mm). From Reif (2007). English translation
of the thesis available HERE.
- Photos.
Hacienda Tapezco-Hda. La Suerte, Limon, Costa Rica. Photos 22
Aug. 1979 by C. Davidson. Link
to Flora of the World.
- Photo.
Zappi, D.C. 2503 - Brazil: Minas Gerais. Link
goes to Neotropical Plants image database at Kew.
- Phoradendron velutinum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Phoradendron villosum
- Photos.
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
A nice series of photos of this species from Kern Co., CA.
Photos by Dennis Stevenson. Link
to PlantSystematics.org.
- Phoradendron woodsonii
- Photos.
Fruiting shoot. Original ID P. crassifolium (Kuijt 2011).
Bocas del Toro, Panama. Monro & Alfaro 4371. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Phoradendron sp. 1
- Photo Near Boca Limon, NW of
San Vito, Costa Rica. The parasite has nearly taken over the entire
host tree! Photo by D. L. Nickrent.
- Phoradendron sp. 2
- Phoradendron sp. 3
- Phoradendron sp. 4
- Photo 1 of
shoots with young fruits and Photo
2 a close-up from that photo. Along Carretera
Panamericana between Ciudad Darío and Sebaco, near Las Tunas,
Matagalpa, Nicaragua. W.D. Stevens & O.M. Montiel J. 26628.
Differs from P. mucronatum
and P. rigidifolium in
several features; thus a new species? Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Phoradendron sp. 5
- Photo 1 showing
mistletoe in epiphyte-covered Ficus
and Photo 2 of
infructescence. Along road to San Marcos from Jinotega to San Rafael
del Norte highway, 2 km from highway, Jinotega, Nicaragua. W.
D. Stevens and O. M. Montiel J. no. 27765. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Phoradendron sp. 6
- Photo.
Inflorescences. Parasitic on Cordia
alliodora. 7 km NNE of Cuapa along road toward Muy Muy,
Chontales, Nicaragua. W. D. Stevens & O. M. Montiel J. no.
27988. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Phoradendron sp. 7
- Photos 1 and 2
of flowering shoots (some with young fruits) and photo
3 of fruiting shoots. Compare with P. brittonianum
and P. pteroneuron. Bolivia. A. F. Fuentes Claros et
al. no. 5592. Link goes
- Phoradendron sp. 8
- Photos.
From Peru. Link goes to
Flora of the World.
- Viscum album
- Photos
Link goes to
- Photo Fruiting plant,
from population introduced to California, USA. Photo by D. Wiens.
- Photos.
Many photos of this species and its subspecies. Link
goes to BioLib.cz
- Photo
Several photos, including close-ups of the fruits. Link
goes to BioImages: The Virtual Field-Guide (UK).
- Photos
Google Image search.
- Viscum album ssp. austriacum
- Photo Parasitic on Pinus
sylvestris. Lower Austria. Photo by Gerhard Glatzel.
- Viscum angulatum
- Photo of plant on host,
Randia dumetorum (Rubiaceae)
photo showing closer view
of shoots. Mahabaleshwar, India (Western Ghats). Photo January 2009
by R.B. Jadhav.
- Viscum alni-formosae
- Photo An endemic
species, parasitic on Alnus, found in the central mountains
at about 2000 m. Photo by J.-M. Hu, June 16, 1993. Nan-Tou, Taiwan.
- Photos.
Nice close-ups of plant from Taiwan. Photos by
Mingiweng. Link goes to
- Viscum anceps
- Photos.
Parasitic on Zanthoxylum
capense in South Africa. Link goes
to iSpot Share Nature.
- Viscum angulatum
- Viscum apiculatum
- Photos.
Buerki collection 112 from Madagascar. Original ID V.
myriophlebium, but the flattened stems and apiculate leaves
confirm it is V. apiculatum.
Link goes to TROPICOS
- Viscum articulatum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Photos.
A series of close-up photos of flowers, fruits, etc. Taiwan. Photos
by Mingiweng. Link goes to Flickr.
- Photo
of mistletoe habit on host branch with Dendrophthoe
homoplasticum, photo
of shoot, photo
of flower and photo
of fruits. From Australian
Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photo.
Fruiting shoot on host branch. Maharashtra, India. Photo by Prashant
Awale. Link goes to Flowers of India.
- Photos
and descriptions. A nicely done blog entitled "Mistletoes of
Singapore". Link goes to tHE
- Photos.
Link goes to Subject
Database of China Plant.
- Viscum bagshawei
- Photo
of male flowers and fruits by M. G. Gilbert. From
Polhill & Wiens (1998) "Mistletoes of Africa".
- Viscum bancroftii
- Photos. Link
goes to Australian Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill
- Viscum boivinii
- Photos.
Female plant with young fruits. Original ID V.
myriophlebium. But note presence of three main veins (not
many small ones), and grouping of up to three flowers per peduncle.
Madagascar. Link goes
to Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques Ville de Geneve.
- Viscum capense
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum capitellatum.
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo of plant with
unripe fruits and seeds
forming haustoria on host. Epiparasitic on Dendrophthoe
falcata which was itself parasitic on Mangifera
indica. Western Ghats, India. Photos by R. B. Jadhav.
- Viscum coloratum
- Photos.
Shirakawa street, China. Photo by Xuke Xue. Link
goes to PlantPhotoBank.cn.
Link goes to Subject
Database of China Plant.
- Photos.
As V. alni-formosanae.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Viscum combreticola
- Photos.
Series of photos, from Zimbabwe. Link
to Flora of Zimbabwe.
- Viscum continuum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum crassulae
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Eastern Cape, South Africa. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Viscum cruciatum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Viscum cuneifolium
- Photos.
Female plant in full flower. Madagascar (Antilahimena -
8350). This Viscum has an
almost showy flower! Link
- Photo Shoot
with young fruits. Specimen unidentified. Madagascar. A. Razanatsima
et al. no. 274. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Plant with young fruits. Fianarantsoa, Vatovavy-Fitovinany,
Madagascar. Photos by C. Davidson. IDed as V.
multiflorum but that species lacks a bibracteal cup and has
single, not grouped flowers. Link
to Flora of the World.
- Viscum diospyrosicolum
- Photos
Hu Bo Liu, China. Photo by Xuke Xue. Link
goes to PlantPhotoBank.cn.
- Viscum engleri
- Photo,
habit of plants in host tree and fruits,
by Del Wiens. From Polhill & Wiens (1998) "Mistletoes of
- Viscum heyneanum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum laxum
- Photo.
Link goes to Wikimedia
- Viscum liquidambaricola
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photos.
Unfortunately, one must scroll down to see the watermarked
photos. Link goes to www.planta.cn.
- Viscum littorum
- Viscum longipetiolatum
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link goes to
- Viscum lophiocladum
- Photo.
Shoot with female flowers. Possibly this species. Madagascar.
Callmander 641. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum loranthi
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum menyharthii
- Photos.
Series of photos, from Zimbabwe. Link
to Flora of Zimbabwe.
- Photo,
habit of plants in host tree and fruiting
shoot, by Del Wiens. From Polhill &
Wiens (1998) "Mistletoes of Africa".
- Viscum minimum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photo Plant in fruit. On Euphorbia
sp. Photo by J. Mauseth.
- Photo. Euphorbia
with Viscum fruits.
Photo by R. A. Howard (see Plant
Image Collection, Smithsonian Inst.)
- Photos
Link goes to Flickr.
- Viscum monoicum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum multicostatum
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum multiflorum
- Photos.
Plant with mature fruit. Madagascar. Callmander 422. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
This plant, unidentified to species, could be V.
multiflorum. Madagascar. P. Antilahimena 7834. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos
Madagascar. Link goes to
Flora of the World.
- Viscum multinerve
- Viscum myriophlebium
- Photos.
Close-up of leaf base and axil showing young inflorescence still
covered in bud scales. Note presence of numerous leaf veins.
Madagascar. Ravelonarivo Désiré 4555. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Photos.
Plant with young inflorescence still covered in bud scales.
Possibly V. myriophlebium
var. longifolium.
Madagascar. Rakotoarivelo 189. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum nepalense
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum nudum
- Photos.
Link goes to www.planta.cn
- Viscum obovatum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum obscurum
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Western Cape, South Africa. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Photo.
Fruits by Del Wiens. From Polhill & Wiens (1998)
"Mistletoes of Africa".
- Viscum orientale [=V. hyneanum]
- Photos
Link goes to PhytoImages.
- Viscum oreophilum
- Photo. Fruit, by
Del Wiens. From Polhill & Wiens (1998) "Mistletoes of Africa".
- Viscum ovalifolium
- Photos. Link
goes to PhytoImages.
- Photos.
Link goes to Flickr.
- Photo
of mistletoe with young fruits and photo
of mature fruit. From
Australian Mistletoes by Bryan Barlow.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants.
- Photos.
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Photos
and descriptions. A nicely done blog entitled "Mistletoes of
Singapore". Link goes to tHE
- Photos.
Unfortunately, one must scroll down to see the watermarked
photos. Link goes to www.planta.cn.
- Viscum pauciflorum
- Photos.
Parasitic on Euclea
in Cape Region, South Africa. Link goes to
iSpot Share Nature.
- Viscum pentanthum
- Photos.
Female plant with flowers and young fruits.
Madagascar. Rasoazanany 582. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum perrieri
- Photo.
Fruiting shoot. Possibly this species. Madagascar.
Rakotonirina 42. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum radula
- Photos.
Plant with young fruits. Original ID V.
multiflorum. But that species does not have a bibracteal
cup and its flowers are not grouped at the end of the peduncle.
Madagascar. Callmander 629. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum rotundifolium
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Viscum schaeferi
- Photos.
Parasitic on Boscia foetida
in Namibia. Link goes to iSpot Share Nature.
- Viscum shirense
- Photos.
Series of photos, from Zimbabwe. Link
to Flora of Zimbabwe.
- Viscum subserratum
- Photo. Fruits, by
Del Wiens. From Polhill & Wiens (1998) "Mistletoes of Africa".
- Viscum trachycarpum
- Photos.
Madagascar. Link goes to
- Viscum triflorum
- Photo Isotype. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum tuberculatum
- Photos.
Link goes to
- Photos.
Series of photos. Link goes to West African Plants: A
Photo Guide.
- Photos.
Several species, including V.
tuberculatum. Photos by C. Davidson. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Viscum verrucosum
- Photos.
Series of photos. Link goes
to Flora of Zimbabwe.
- Photos.
Warty fruits. Along Fort Usher road, Matobo, Zimbabwe. Link
goes to Flora of Mozambique.
- Photos.
Stem with female flowers. Link goes to PICSSR.
- Viscum whitei
- Photos
Link goes to Australian
Parasitic Plants by Roger Fryer and Jill Newland.
- Viscum species 1
- Photos.
Plant with young fruits. Madagascar. Razakamalala 7647. Listed as V.
triflorum, but according to Halle (1964), this species does
not occur on Madagascar but on the neighboring Comoros islands. This
could be V. tsaifajaonense.
Link goes to TROPICOS.
- Viscum species 2
- Photos.
Plants in fruit. From Vietnam. Link
goes to Flora of the World.
- Viscum species 3
- Photos.
Close-up of inflorescence showing a male flower and young fruit.
Because this plant is monoecious, it cannot be V.
multiflorum as identified. The smooth fruit and what
appears to be subcylindric stems places this (again) near V.
tsaifajaonense. Madagascar. P. Antilahimena - 6129. Link
goes to TROPICOS.
Key to Viscum in Madagascar
Given that about one fourth of the ca. 120 species of Viscum
occur in Madagascar, this country represents the second most diverse
landmass following continental Africa for species diversity. Halle
(1964) provided a treatment for Viscum (under Loranthaceae)
wherein 31 species were recognized. I translated her key from French to
English and it is available HERE
as a pdf file.
DNA Sequence Data
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